well after searching for a couple of months and checking out every bike shop in a 250km radius and looking at many overpriced worn out heaps of shit, I finally found a bike today ! I am now the owner of a 2011 te 449. I have only had a quick ride and haven't been bush yet but I am very impressed, great brakes, suspension and power. only things I don't like is that the gear lever sits a bit high and the clutch seems to be fairly noisy ( is this common ? ) the bike has plenty of power for what I want to do , I gave it a quick squirt up my street and it hit 130kph easily and that will probably be the only time it hits that speed lol. bike shop recommended motul 10w40 oil does this sound ok ? anything I need to keep an eye on with this model ? it has done 2600km but was a bike shop service managers personal bike so all services have been done.