Pro Class
OK, I needed to replace a set of damaged cases and swapped the 5th/6th gears out of a 125SC into my '82 125/175XC. The 125XC did not come with a wide ratio transmission like the bigger bikes, it had the same transmission as a CR. Dwight Rudder told me in '82 Burleson told him that the trick was to put the 5th/6th ratios of a '74 SC into the transmission and you get 1-4 close ratios and a tall 5th/6th. Anyway, I have all the transmission, shift forks, shift shafts, and shift drum in, but I dont have a manual and I cant find one in any of the downloads that shows how to "time" that ratchet gear that turns the shift drum.
I know I am probably doing something really simple wrong, but I cant find a manual.

I know I am probably doing something really simple wrong, but I cant find a manual.