• Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

Cleaning air filters with ordinary household products?


Pro Class
Anyone have any techniques they use that work? Friend told me he soaks his air filter in a bucket of dove soup water. I tried this. It gets dirt out but the deep down grunge.. no. I know pouring gas on a filter will get it spotless and new but it also will fall apart too-lol

What you guys do other than the motorcycle store degreaser spray?
I have my parts washer filled with paint thinner. Works a treat. After the bath in the washer I wash again with oxi clean and warm water to get the any remaining residue. Be careful with oxi clean and hot water to avoid desolving the glue that holds the filter together.
I've always done it this way:

Mineral spirits (low fume variety)
Soak the filter in a few inches of MS. Squeeze it all out and repeat for 1-2 minutes. Then squeeze it as dry as you can. Next I take a few gallons of cold water with Dove dish washing detergent or similar added and do the same thing. Last, rinse well in warm water, hang in the garage to dry. I run the dirty MS through a coffee filter or paper towel and re-use it all season adding a little fresh MS at each new cleaning. I store the used MS in an old Rotella oil jug. 1 gallon of MS will last at least 2 years.
I use gas in a coffee can at first. Soak it squeeze it and repeat this a few times. I then piss my wife off (about done with her anyway!) and bring the filter in the house and in the kitchen sink I put dishsoap on the filter and wash it a couple of times with warm water. Now hang it on the clothes line overnight! Bingo. Oil it, grease it and install it!! NEVER a burnt down bike!! Must work........................ Mineral spirits would work to, but we all have our system's!!
What is Power Purple?

A regular light scrub in warm water with a car wash, dry and oil. 2 filters used in rotation. The cleaned and oiled one kept in a zip lock bag.

Power Purple is generic Simple Green. You can get it at Sams, etc.
I use the notoil biodegradable stuff, I can clean it in the kitchen sink with no fumes.

When I was using the old stuff, I used kerosene to clean the filter and then a bucket of purple power to clean the kero. Too much work, the no toil stuff is way easier.
wash in diesel to get oil, dirt & grease off then truck wash with water to get diesel out. diesel not as harsh or flammable as petrol & doesnt destroy ya filter element. kero also works well too!​
Denatured alcohol works too, but I still am a gas man. I have a can of old gass that I filter occasionally, rinse the filter through the gas, ring out, then a little dish soap and 5gl bucket of water with 2 1/2 gl of water, and then rinse in clear water another 5gl bucket. Let dry, re-oil, zip lock bag rotate. Have 2 filters for every bike I own. Never had gas deteriorate the filter, never! Twin air, nothing better. Didn't like the UNI because it's 2 piece.
Keep it simple, gas then use dish soap and water. Haven't had a filter fall apart yet, my dealers mechanic tol me this is all he ever does and I've been using it ever since
Half a cup of TIDE soap with 1 gallon of warm water, soak then wring out then repeat. Rinse well with cold water and dry at room temp. or outside. Cheap and works as well as anything solvent based...........TIDE soap:popcorn:
+1 on the mineral Spirits. You can buy it at any hardware store. Basically odorless and does the job perfectly. MS in one bucket. Cold water in another. Massage in the MS to get the dirt and oil out. Then do the same in the cold water. Wring it out and let er dry. Also, filter your MS back into the original container (through and old shirt or something) to get the large pieces of dirt out and reuse. BOOM!
I use No Toil oil on my filters. Clean with Oxy Clean & warm water. Rinse with cold water. Pore it down the drain when done. Simple.
Notoil here as well. Switched from PJ1 about a year ago and never looked back. It is stupid EZ and your hands are clean after. Love it. Seems to filter well enough.

I do have to say though if i was doing a nasty dust ride / race i think i might use the PJ1 stuff again. i really trust that stuff the Notiol i don't have enough time on to feel 100% sure.