Old Geezer
A Class
Please excuse as I ask probably stupid questions, but I'm still learning all the ins-and-outs about Husqvarna having cut my teeth on Asian versions since starting riding dirt over 45 years go. I know most of what there is to know about THOSE bikes, but THESE Swedish things are a different story.
So I'm getting close to kicking my XC and perhaps firing her up again after several years of languishing away in the garage. I never did like the spark, and recently swapped out the internal rotor setup for an external in hopes of gaining a bit stronger spark.
The Question: I'm so accustomed to Jap bikes with a stator coil that sends a signal to a CDI which in turn boosts to the coil for a nice hot spark. So how does the Motoplat system work since there is no CDI to provide that nice voltage spike when the capacitor discharges to the coil? If they rely solely on coil windings and the speed of the rotor to generate the voltage, then I can see why these bikes can be a royal bear to start...especially big'uns like my 500XC.
Could not a person buy an after-market standalone CDI to hook inline with the stator coil, and get some better sparkage?
So I'm getting close to kicking my XC and perhaps firing her up again after several years of languishing away in the garage. I never did like the spark, and recently swapped out the internal rotor setup for an external in hopes of gaining a bit stronger spark.
The Question: I'm so accustomed to Jap bikes with a stator coil that sends a signal to a CDI which in turn boosts to the coil for a nice hot spark. So how does the Motoplat system work since there is no CDI to provide that nice voltage spike when the capacitor discharges to the coil? If they rely solely on coil windings and the speed of the rotor to generate the voltage, then I can see why these bikes can be a royal bear to start...especially big'uns like my 500XC.
Could not a person buy an after-market standalone CDI to hook inline with the stator coil, and get some better sparkage?