AA Class
Simply wanted to introduce myself to all the guys and girls here. I acquired a basket case of a husqvarna this past july and have been lurking since. It's a '84 or '85 WR 400, liquid-cooled, twin-shock, drum brake version. Scored it locally of Craigslist from a young guy who got it from a neighbor, he was a bit optimistic with his asking price and the description, however it was 95% and running with what he claimed was a new topend (i have my doubts). She's pretty rough and in need of much love but boy does she scream! She does have the dreaded milkshake in the gearbox and a bent piece of steel bar for a kickstart but what she lacks in finesse she makes up for in charm. Wasn't really looking for a project and am still unsure if it's a task I want to under take but I'm very keen on vintage dirtbikes and may have a go of it after all. I'm sure I will relying heavily on this forum to see me through, thank you in advance.View attachment 32635 View attachment 32636 View attachment 32637 View attachment 32638