I did a serch and caame up with nothing...I just installed a leo V full ti system to my new 2007 (had 7 original miles on it)..Anyhow i got 200 miles on it now and i installed the exhaust..
My jetting is
45 pilot
4th clip
178 main
2.5 turns out
60 leak jet
stock needle
it seems strong but thought i may need to go up some on the main..it has alittle deceleration popping.What i wanted to know was if this was a good starting point im 1132ft abouve seal level
And i orderd a MCCT you dont think that cam chain would be bad would ya..it sat for 2 year in storage only getting started once a month..
Any info would be greatful..
Heres the bike when i got it but since then removed all the garbage
My jetting is
45 pilot
4th clip
178 main
2.5 turns out
60 leak jet
stock needle
it seems strong but thought i may need to go up some on the main..it has alittle deceleration popping.What i wanted to know was if this was a good starting point im 1132ft abouve seal level
And i orderd a MCCT you dont think that cam chain would be bad would ya..it sat for 2 year in storage only getting started once a month..
Any info would be greatful..
Heres the bike when i got it but since then removed all the garbage