Since the beginning when I first bought my bike (6 month ago) I was suspicious about a high idle.
On low throttle openings the bike chokes a lot. It drives me mad on technical enduro trails.
I have the race ECU installed and the LeoVinci exhaust since it is a Meo Replica.
When I first connected to iBeat I could confirm it was true, it was about 2600 rpm, sometimes 2800 rpm.
I had TPS of 986 mV at 102.2% WOT. Co1,2 and 3 all at 110%.
After reading here and there, I almost did what
had done, with the biked warmed tried to lower the rpm by raising the WOT, unscrewing the end throttle bolt until I couldn't move the throttle at all, it seems it was stuck, so I raised it again a little bit and it was working again. The lowest rpm I got is 2250 with WOT at 104% which gives me a TPS reading of 908 mV.
Tried to open the idle screw but it seems it does nothing, fastening at some point will raise the idle but unfastening until it touches the shock oil container, the idle stays the same.
I changed the Co setting to 100, 105, 107.
Now the bike is really smooth at low throttle opening, it seems linear, but I only tried it a couple times around the house.
Maybe I did something wrong... maybe I should fasten all the way the idle screw and then unfasten 3 turns and then lower the rpm by raising more the WOT ?
I have another problem which I think it's not messing with my idle problem. When I turn left all the way the enrichener lever seems to start working automatically, I have to secure better that cable under the gas tank.
Some help will be appreciated.