• Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

  • Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!



AA Class
This is just to Hi to everyone on Cafe Husky, it is a bit late I Know but many thanks to Xanadu for his wiring diagrams. I am new to Husky ownership but i still remember when I was 19 with a YZ125 (mid to late seventies) and I saw a red & chrome husky on a dealers stand at a meeting in Wiltshire and I thought "one day" anyway back to present I have recently aquired an 1988 430XC that has 18" akront rims fitted front and rear with Bridgestone BT45 road tires fitted all taxwd and M.O.T'd for UK road use and a 1987 250WR that was bought as a non runner to get back to life.
some things I would like some help on if anyone can help. The 430 runs fine but wouldnt clear its throat (4 stroking) I started at the back the gearing had been a bit optomistic for road use with a 16F & 28R it just woudlnt pull that gearing I set it back to standard 13/52? it was better but still 4stroked as the throttle was opened but then pulled my arms off, I fitted a new air filter & cleaned the carb still the same, the needle was on the 2nd from top notch & the pilot screw was only half a turn out, I have moved the needle to the middle notch and with the engine up to temp set the pilot air screw to about 1.5 to 2 turns out it picks up cleanly with no load but I have been unable to check it out due to a bad attack of gout in my right knee which has left me unable to bend it for a week or so. Am I heading in the right direction? I only really want to change one thing at a time to find this problem. thanks for taking the time to read this

I can type some stuff perhaps of interest,free take it for what it cost you.

I once got some akront rims mounted to my norton I really forgot why but I sold the bike back to the original owner 9 years later and still have the akront wheels on a bike I never registered. They were on some husky bikes at some time but were known for holding mud which is pretty obvious by looking at them. If you go back to the 360 perhaps in the 1976 age or so there are rubber pieces in the clutch assembly. The bikes you mention here have no cush drive of any sort and really in my estimation shouldn't be used very much on pavement.

Without knowing the numbers on the needle and needle jet it is hard to help with any certainty. I don't think I have
taken apart a 430 carb that has had the needle changed. All the needle jets seem to be r-2 though some I think perhaps the 430 auto calls for r-0 to start. There is a tech data 81 to 88 pdf file in the reference section on here and if you look hard enough between all the cagiva stuff there is pretty detailed information there. Much better information than if you has say an 1982.

It is my understanding the silencer should be in good working order (re packed lately) before investing a whole lot of effort jetting.

I am not super fussy about jetting, that bike I just changed my avatar to has the same jets it did the day I got it Jan 8 1999. I have messed around with these 1988 430 bikes though. The one most stock is a wr with a non spark arrestor silencer and a 500 head otherwise it is like original, well the cylinder and piston got swapped from an auto but I doubt that matters. I have the r-2 needle jet, the clip all the way up meaning the needle is all the way down. It doesn't seem right but I put it in the middle last year and ended up like that, needle low clip high. The slide is a 3.0 instead of the 2.5. I doubt the main matters for my purposes for that one. The other one has a different pipe and a keihin pwk 39. I didn't know that one would four stroke until riding in a light rain lately and getting muddy. It four stroked just as the throttle cable gets a tiny bit of motion and stays like that. I don't know if I am going to bother messing with the jets, (the air screw doesn't do much) the instructions say to change the slide if you can't get where you want to be with the needles and jets. I know the air cooled 500 with the 40 mm carb (same jets as delivered to original owner) would four stroke at very slight throttle. You are supposed to be able to ride at a steady speed but I just speed up slowly and coast. Once some wind resistance existed it would not four stroke at steady speed. Maybe someone more fussy about jetting can give you a shorter answer.

Many Thanks Xanadu.
The Akront rims are not husky ones as they are wider than standard the rear takes a 140/70/18 tire that almost touches the chain! & the front has a 110/70/18. I have a pair of nordisk 18/21" rims from Andy at HVA to fit when I have re spoked the rear. The silencer is of the 250 as the 430 one had been cut down, also it looked like it had a 4stroke size straight through tube in it (each firing stroke sounded like a pistol shot) I am waiting for a FMF universal to arrive as I cant find the correct silencer at the moment. The owner of Demon MX in Ashford Kent is also into similar vintage huskys and he has helped quite a bit. I agree with your comments on jetting as in the UK aprt from a couple of exceptions we do not have the the difference in altitude that our trans atlantic cousins have. As I said it pulls cleanly but just stutters off a clsed throttle on each gear change ( power reminds me of my cousins 440 Maico 72/73 I think (alloy coffin tank/ underslung expansion chamber). Many thanks for you help greatly appreciated.
It only does this from very low throttle openings. but makes powering out of corners a right pain (on and off road) as you cant feel when its going to clear its throat and come on the power
Sounds to me like you have a rich idle / needle setting. four stroking and or sense of drag when you commence to open the throttle and then a strong hit of power as the air mix comes good as you move into the main jet.

Assuming: muffler is well packed ( I use steel wool wrapped real tight and lots of it) the timing is good and the airfilter is clean and well oiled.

you can lean the mix by adding more oil if you are running 50:1 or more, you can go to 30:1 to effectively lean the fuel air.

Try one thing at a time, especially the idle and needle settings.

if you can get to a good straight dirt road, do a series of plug chops at 1/4 , 1/2 and full throttle settings (mark your throttle with a texta) pulling through the rev range in 4th gear. look for a light choccy brown color. that should tell you the state of the jetting and which range you need to adjust.
Thank you suprize
The FMF turbine core universal silencer (read some good things about these) finally arrived (UK post service****************************************) so after last adjustments, The needle clip was set back to the original/recomended middle notch (was 2nd from top) and the pilot air screw was set to 1.5 turns (was only 1/4 to 1/2 a turn out) started it up & up to temperature adjusted the pilot screw for optimum running and it is still between 1.5 and 2 turns so now my knee is bending as it should and the new silencer fitted, a road test is in order and hope fully it will be fine. My thoughts (for what there worth) was the previous owner had come to the to rich conclusion and lowered the needle to 2nd from top (that is leaning the mixture right) then to get it to run reasonably had to screw in the pilot screw to between 1/2 and 1/4 turn. Which in my thinking would make it run rich on initial throttle openings giving me the symptoms that I had
a couple of photos. As I bought it you can see the 18" wheels and road tyres, KTM front guard/rearguard/hugger, cut dow side panels/silencer.husky 002.jpghusky 003.jpg
The FMF turbine core universal silencer (read some good things about these) finally arrived...

I was thinking about buying one of those myself, but can't seem to find many UK bike shops that stock them. Would you mind telling me how much it cost.
amazing how std seems to work so well. i lowered the clip to richen the mix and it was poo o back to std... all good.
I was thinking about buying one of those myself, but can't seem to find many UK bike shops that stock them. Would you mind telling me how much it cost.
I got it from vdrmxr@msn.com It cost about $139.00 US inc post plus £20.00 UK customs charge. I contacted the FMF uk importer and they wanted about £137 +p&p and the only version they could get was the 1,7/8" I,D and it came bare (just the silencer) the US one was 1,1/4 I.D and came with a strap mounting, a clamp, a stainless tube with a bend to aid fitting, and a weld on mounting if you require it. So all in all a better deal from the US than buying in rip off britain
This is where I picked up my fmf turnine core 2 universal silencer for $107 plus shipping. Comes with everything you need to mount it.


Yes, that's the same store that I mentioned a few days ago while trying to assist one of our members. Post #2

...So all in all a better deal from the US than buying in rip off britain.

I bet you also had to hand over an £8.00 vat handling charge to our postal service (Royal Mail).