• Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

  • Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

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    Thanks for your patience and support!

Looking at a 1987 Husky wr430. need some advice


AA Class
Hey Guys im looking at a 1987 husky wr430. Its on craigslist near my home. Its listed as a 86 but its definately an 87. He sent me pics about a year ago when he had it listed for 1500 bucks but has recently dropped the price to 1000. I was wondering if all the Wr's came with a headlight? or if they came with the coils and magneto to support a headlight?? i had a 87 250cr and swapped out the ignition with a wr if my memory serves me right?? That way i could run a headlight. also made it easier starting since the flywheel was much larger. With the cr setup it always kicked back. after that installing the other ignition for the headlight it kicked over much easier. Any how, can you guys let me know what to look for in the 430 and if the price is decent?? the bike was in really good shape if i remember correctly. It does have a few issues. Clutch sticks if not used for a while, doesnt release and if you push the bike not running the trans will lock up but does not do it if its running?? I think my old 250 had the same issues but i cant remember what the problem was?? Any ideas?? Heres the link to the ad on CL....... http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/4042309008.html Any input would be great thanks Kevin
I suspect there is no husky in this section or any section on cafehusky that had a magneto.

The locking up business might be in the starting gears virtually worn out. Ride it around and drain the oil. Should be good for 35 watts or so probably had a plastic strap on headlight assembly when new.

The sticking clutch business went away for me after a few cycles of changing the transmission oil to what I normally use. Finding neutral at a stop still might not be all one desires.

I am suggesting seeing if the oil is full of metal pieces before commiting to get it.

Thanks Fran. Sorry didnt use proper terminology. My old husky had a small flywheel with the coils on the outside of it.... hard to kick. We switched to a Larger flywheel and the coils were inside and behind it. Easier to kick with the extra weight of the flywheel im assumming. i was told the MX version had the smaller flywheel and the cross country version had the larger flywheel and headlight??? Been over 15 years since i had the bike so my memory aint what it used to be.
the 430WR is a strong bike with a wonderful engine.
Dont worry about the clutch problem: after warning the oil inside the engine you should be to engage and disangage the cluth properly.
Be carefull starting it and try only with motocross boots on.
You need to be patient cleaning the carburetor, checking air filter and some other current controls.
Most important is cleaning the tank from old gas.
I dont know if you are confident working around huskys....excuse me.
You will find so many experts here ready to help you.
Dont worry !!
I fail to see how with a 10 pound crankshaft (430 and 500) assembly swithching out for an internal vs external rotor ignition makes as much difference as one reads on the internet.
Thanks Guys! I am pretty confident working on the husky's I owned a 87 250 for years. Would the clutch cause the trans to grab or lock when being pushed when not running or is that the kicker gear like Fran said?? Fran, not sure about the 430-500's but it made a world of difference starting my 250 when i switched rotor designs. My 250 would kick back like heck, hurt your ankle. After the switch it was much easier starting, a very noticeable difference. I was only 13 when i first got my 250 so for a kid it was hard to kick.

What would be a decent price for this bike with these issues??
Hey Guys im looking at a 1987 husky wr430. Its on craigslist near my home. Its listed as a 86 but its definately an 87. He sent me pics about a year ago when he had it listed for 1500 bucks but has recently dropped the price to 1000. I was wondering if all the Wr's came with a headlight? or if they came with the coils and magneto to support a headlight?? i had a 87 250cr and swapped out the ignition with a wr if my memory serves me right?? That way i could run a headlight. also made it easier starting since the flywheel was much larger. With the cr setup it always kicked back. after that installing the other ignition for the headlight it kicked over much easier. Any how, can you guys let me know what to look for in the 430 and if the price is decent?? the bike was in really good shape if i remember correctly. It does have a few issues. Clutch sticks if not used for a while, doesnt release and if you push the bike not running the trans will lock up but does not do it if its running?? I think my old 250 had the same issues but i cant remember what the problem was?? Any ideas?? Heres the link to the ad on CL....... http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/4042309008.html Any input would be great thanks Kevin

did your 87 CR250 have an electric power valve??
Without pictures it is hard to tell but given the issues that you know of so far, I would go for less than the $1k he is asking for it. No one offers full price for stuff on Craigslist unless the owner completely under valued it.
When buying stuff like this - always expect the worst and you wont be dissapointed!!!

Sounds like there may be an issue in the kickstart side of things, but dont rule out a broken gear. Ignitions are no longer an issue - you can fit a new internal or external rotor system, depending on your needs. I would say 'go for it' - but expect an engine rebuild and pay accordingly....

Good luck

Andy Elliott
Like Andy says it could be a big can of worms, so expect to pay for the worst.
you said the guy sent some pictures, put them up it would be easier to help after looking at them, did you get the frame and engine numbers, they can determine if all is original
When buying stuff like this - always expect the worst and you wont be dissapointed!!!

Sounds like there may be an issue in the kickstart side of things, but dont rule out a broken gear. Ignitions are no longer an issue - you can fit a new internal or external rotor system, depending on your needs. I would say 'go for it' - but expect an engine rebuild and pay accordingly....

Good luck

Andy Elliott
Andy Are those the Hva versions of electrex world ignition systems you are selling. And
1. Do they give a healthy low speed spark for easier starting
2. The WR/XC model has a lighting coil I take it?
3. Will it fit my 88 430XC (looks like it should but I like to double check)
Kev W
Yes is the answer to all of the above!
Spark from 200 revs
We sell the mx internal rotor kit and the Enduro / XC kit with all of the lighting stuff included...
Will fit all the primary kick bikes except the 87 250 power valve - but I have some n.o.s. ignitions for those...

Yes is the answer to all of the above!
Spark from 200 revs
We sell the mx internal rotor kit and the Enduro / XC kit with all of the lighting stuff included...
Will fit all the primary kick bikes except the 87 250 power valve - but I have some n.o.s. ignitions for those...

Thanks Andy looks like some OT is in order at work, due to back probs I was looking at selling the XC but if I can get it to start from cold easier it may be a keeper
Kev W
Turtle , when you did the ignition on that 87 250 years ago maybe just maybe you may have set the timing a bit different from where it was originally and just maybe caused it to start easier . Before I adjusted mine it would actually run backwards (yes in reverse) then I timed it correctly and now it runs forward and starts on 3rd kick every time with no more kick back. 750 sounds better to me and then plan on at least another 750 into it that should get you riding.
sound real enthusiastic about the bike and as you get close to "closing the deal" start with the old "I suddenly have to spend the money on insurance or something" so I don't have it all right now and I can give you 500 now.... let him talk you up to 750 and its yours:thumbsup:
so the pictures are on the listing, the suspension looks like XC but since it's less than an inch different it's hard to tell
that is sick clean stock, buy it for 900 put a 100 in parts, tear it down to the frame and lube service or replace broken or worn parts
you will have a sick clean scooter there, if I was local I would be looking at it for sure
so the pictures are on the listing, the suspension looks like XC but since it's less than an inch different it's hard to tell

It is obviously an 87-88 in the picture due to the black tank, and other plastic parts. For those years and the 40mm forks look at how far from the bottom of the fork the axle is. This doesn't look like wr to me. Note no frame loop over the rear fender, no chain guard, no headlight assembly. The seat and side covers look clean but the enduro or cross country has been removed from the swingarm so who knows.