AA Class
Hey Guys im looking at a 1987 husky wr430. Its on craigslist near my home. Its listed as a 86 but its definately an 87. He sent me pics about a year ago when he had it listed for 1500 bucks but has recently dropped the price to 1000. I was wondering if all the Wr's came with a headlight? or if they came with the coils and magneto to support a headlight?? i had a 87 250cr and swapped out the ignition with a wr if my memory serves me right?? That way i could run a headlight. also made it easier starting since the flywheel was much larger. With the cr setup it always kicked back. after that installing the other ignition for the headlight it kicked over much easier. Any how, can you guys let me know what to look for in the 430 and if the price is decent?? the bike was in really good shape if i remember correctly. It does have a few issues. Clutch sticks if not used for a while, doesnt release and if you push the bike not running the trans will lock up but does not do it if its running?? I think my old 250 had the same issues but i cant remember what the problem was?? Any ideas?? Heres the link to the ad on CL....... http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/mcy/4042309008.html Any input would be great thanks Kevin