AA Class
I am an artist (I also ride a 2012 TE250 so I don't usually post anything in this part of Cafe Husky) I am looking for an older bike, 70's or early 80's to take some photos of for a new piece I am working on. I need to get some reference shots of the bike and lighting at a specific angle. I'm not too particular which model/year as long as it has the red tank with the silver patch and the logo in white, the "classic" husky. I have been looking locally for the past few months and not found anything that would work. I really don't want to travel too far, I have kids and family responsibilities. Anyway, I am in Holland, Michigan USA and looking for a bike not more than a two hour drive away so I could get this done some weekend afternoon. The other option would be if someone could take the photos for me (they don't need to be great quality since they are just for reference) I could send a little sketch of what I need. In return for letting me shoot your bike or getting the shots for me I can send you a signed print of the finished piece. Can anyone help me out?