So a bit ago I picked up a 2010 450 supermoto with a few hundred miles, things were looking up I was going to do a track day with it a Wednesday later but that got canceled so I went off roading with the stock tires (3days after buying it)... (bad idea) and well fell off shattering my collar bone but the bike was fine. I had noticed the low end on it sucked too but anyway. So after surgery and everything I'm back riding it and have gotten it up to 1010 miles. It has been a PITA to start hot if at all (it would also die out) and had fail flashing up on the dash upon start. I had some motivation tonight to look at it and wanted to see if it'd start easier with the regular stuff. I decided I'd put in the stock lamda sensor and the fail went away... so I said maybe the connectors dirty and cleaned the connectors and put the resistor back in and whadya know it runs great now. So I drive it around for 20 min stop it and try and start it up again and wouldn't ya know back to it's old habits (minus the fail on the dash) It starts right up then putters out and dies. Turn it off and on again and I don't hear the fuel pump priming. So I pull the connector and hook the pump harness + - directly up to the battery and yup not a peep. By the time I pull the pump assembly out it's been about an hour and everything is cooled off now so it primes out of the tank. Is this a normal/possible failure mode for the fuel pump? Before I go off buying a new pump and having the same issue I want to be sure. I also found like 3 zip ties on the pump and only one hadn't slid off (time for some safety wire/long zip fix). I want to get this fixed before I sell it
(when it wouldn't start the plug would be dry too)
(when it wouldn't start the plug would be dry too)