nick nack
C Class
Hi there Husky lovers, this is my 1974 mag 250cr i brought last year,To use at vmx every blue moon! I was brought up dribbing over a 1973 400cr in my fathers packing shed from the age of about 6 to the age of 21 when the old boy gave me the bike,was in bits,as it had a big end nock,Dad got it off one of two sweeds that were traveling nz picking fruit,just so happened one winters day when they had a ride at owl orchard it nocked,and he swapped it for a old hydra ladder of dads to go contracting,as i said it sat there for about 15 years before i rapped it,got it running and as dumb as i was at 21 with out money,sold it,sore point in my life,i found it! sitting in a nother packing shed,to this day! within about 5 kms form where i sold it from,moving on,i looked for a 400 but nothing realy werth the love,so i found this in a small colection and had to buy it,so just doing forks and shocks,plus a going over b4 riding next month, sorry for all the dribble!Nick Nack.