paul koehler
C Class
I bought a 72 cr250 last year. frame MJ05264, engine 2018 1443. it was raced until 82 then hung in the PO's daughter bedroom till i bought it last year. it has after market plastic desert tank, Heikki Mikkola air cleaner on it (may or may not have been original to this bike) original fenders, frame painted silver over white paint, i guess thats all i can think of. I'd post a pic but I can't figure out how. I am going to vitage race it next year. Not going for all original, of course, but I do want to stay somewhat true to form. First, could this be a real GP replica? What color is the frame originally? It started 4th kick after 30 years! Clutch disks frozen. I want to send the engine out for a go thru (seals, bearings, etc) anyone have any suggestions on who to send it to? Also need the front forks revalved, new seals and I need a tad bit more travel. the first two i can do myself but the latter I will need done so they may as well do the other two as well. Also not sure how stront the MotoPlat is. it loses spark after running a few secs. I didnt check grounds but Id rather have it checked correctly before hitting the track. Also needed is a sprocket cover. Dont know what other years and engine models would have same cover. thanks all for your help!