What's up husky fans I used to have an account on here about a year ago and I lost my e mail so I figured I would start a new one. I traded an old 81 atc 250 for a 1985 husqvarna xc 500 with low compression but still running, you could roll it tover by hand lol. I proceeded to pull the top end and found out the motor numbers didn't match a 500 motor , it was in fact a wr 400 motor with the front of the piston under the ring melted and a smoked rod journal and wrist pin bearing, still an xc 500 frame tho! I posted a thread on another husky forum about it and a member on there was kind enough to sent me a 430 piston and crank for shipping cost only !!B) hopefully one day I can find a true xc 500 motor it but the 430 with the 400 wr six speed trans will be enough for now.now my questions to you guys are, will the wr 400 stator support a hi lo beam headlight and a brake/tailight ? Because I would like to make it street legal supermoto! Ill post up pics today thanx in advance husky fans !