Without getting into what an idiot I am, I need to repair/replace the red fuel fitting on an 08 fuel pump. I've read all the great information available here and on other boards and it looks like there is a reasonable non-factory repair. However, I'm also going to see if I can get a replacement part from the importer of the fitting. My question is, has anyone successfully pressed a replacement fitting back into the fuel pump? I can imagine that it might be a considerable challenge to rig up the necessary fixtures and tools in order to accurately and carefully press one of these fittings into the pump housing. And even if it can be done, I'd still be left with a plastic POS that could break again! So, as I write this, I'm convincing myself that it's best to just bite the bullet and go the tap and thread route with a real metal fitting! Now that I know what I'm going to do, it's only a matter of assembling the parts and tools.