Old Geezer
A Class
Been a long time since I've posted here, but finally getting around to working on my '83 XC500 (new crank seal plus installing a stock external rotor/stator as opposed to the internal setup that the bike came with). Plus, my bro' just yesterday showed up with his new acquisition - an '85 CR500 that he picked up for $200. Such a deal! We worked into the night last night to tear it apart and see what she needs to make trail worthy. Odds and ends like new carb-to-airbox boot, air filter, rear brake guts and brake lever, totally shot mono shock, and a complete carb tear down and cleaning to get the varnish out. Otherwise, it's got good spark, good compression, the bore and piston looks good, so she should fire up after a little attention and new gas (there was about a cup of old gas floating around in the expansion chamber, and in the crank of course). First things first, light it up, then worry about the rest.