1982 XC 430
AA Class
I have one of the 1984 250 WR Cylinders with the extra Ports. The Liner Cracked and pretty much took out the bottom end. I have since replaced the Crank and Rod, Piston and Liner. The Liner was hand made by a gentleman who hade been making Liners for 40 years or more. Since the Liner didn't fit tight in the Aluminum Cylinder we bored the Cylinder over size and put a larger diameter Liner in it. I have ported the Liner to the recommended factory specs found else ware. I measured the Top of the Ports from top of the Liner as per the factory drawings. When I assembled it I checked the piston to Head clearance and all was well, Breaking it in went well for 10 minutes until it died and had little compression. Disassembly is showing that the Head is not sealing. Looking closer the Head is bottoming out on the Cylinder, and not the Liner. My concussion is that the Liner must not of been completely pressed into the Cylinder and when it heated up for the first time it sunk until the Head bottomed out on the Cylinder. So now I have a mess to figure out.
My plan is to start out setting to correct top of liner to Piston at TDC. By adding subtracting base Gaskets. My Maico manual shows how this is done but I don't have the Specs for the Husqvarna. Once this is set I can Machine the Head and or make a Head Gasket to get the right Head to Piston Clearance and seal. I assume that putting a straight edge across the top of the liner and measuring the clearance between it and the center of the Piston is the way to do it. So what is the Clearance ?
My plan is to start out setting to correct top of liner to Piston at TDC. By adding subtracting base Gaskets. My Maico manual shows how this is done but I don't have the Specs for the Husqvarna. Once this is set I can Machine the Head and or make a Head Gasket to get the right Head to Piston Clearance and seal. I assume that putting a straight edge across the top of the liner and measuring the clearance between it and the center of the Piston is the way to do it. So what is the Clearance ?