A couple weeks ago I had a chance to ride a friends new 12 TXC 310 and have to say it was very nice. A little background on me I ride Senior A normally in my local district and currently ride an 11 KTM 350XCF. Not sure if it was the tight trails or just not feeling it on this day but I was struggling on the 350 a bit but I think it was more me than the bike. Then when I got on the 310 I was shocked at how much easier it was to ride on the same trails. The best way I can describe it is the 310 felt shorter wheelbase wise and was just easier to maneuver through the tight trails and the bike handled great. The EFI seemed spot on and the power was great even compared to my 350 didn't seem like it was lacking that much if at all. The suspension was new but didn't feel to bad but with it only having a little time on it and me weighing 215lbs I was pleased with it for that day. After a couple short laps the TXC310 had me thinking a lot about it and I have to say I think it will make for a nice tight trails enduro bike and I hope to get a chance to ride it again in more open flowing trails because I think it will do well there also.
So now I have two friends with 12 TXC310s so if I get a chance to ride one again I will try to post up some more comments. I think this will be a Great bike for Husky though, very impressed on the short ride I had on one.
So now I have two friends with 12 TXC310s so if I get a chance to ride one again I will try to post up some more comments. I think this will be a Great bike for Husky though, very impressed on the short ride I had on one.