Hey guys I took my 08 CR 125 out for it's first real test yesterday at Lake Gasking MX Park in NC. To cut to the chase and sum it up I love this bike and it's so easy to ride it's like cheating. The handling, turning, jumping, gearbox, clutch, brakes, screaming power, and very light weight make the bike a complete blast to ride. I didn't touch the suspension settings or jetting as they feel pretty good stock. I may go with the 52 rear sprocket for a little more snap just to see what that feels like. One of my friends has an older CR 250 Honda. I let him ride my Husky. He went around the track giving me the finger shouting you ain't getting this back. He fell in love with the bike and wouldn't stop talking about how great the bike is. He took my CR and raced my other friend who rides a 06 KX 450F a lap around the big MX track. Well it was funny as heck with the little Husky taking the win by well over 200 yards. My son and I almost rolled down the hill laughing as we watched them go at it. Steve the guy on the KX couldn't beleive it he said "I just couldn't catch him he just kept pulling away"! Well I won't use anymore space but to say thank you guy's for talking me into giving the little bike a chance.