Jim Deady
Yep, it's me again back in the wilds of Ireland. You guy's were a great help the last time so I'll give it another shot.
Your advice in June got me on it and riding it, it being a 78 250 CR. I had the inevitable low side and only snapped the brake lever which made for an interesting ride home. Everything here is straight up or straight down, nothing flat. The next day I went out to start it and nothing, not even a hiccup. Before I start doing stuff I probably shouldn't I thought I'd come begging again.
Do these carbs flood easily and do they eat plugs ? Are newer Bings more efficient and should I carry a plug and plug wrench with me ? Remember guy's, I'm 67 and just want to have a good time. There're no shows or races in it's future or mine. Are there any reversible upgrades for the Electrics or the Carb ?
Many Thanks,
Your advice in June got me on it and riding it, it being a 78 250 CR. I had the inevitable low side and only snapped the brake lever which made for an interesting ride home. Everything here is straight up or straight down, nothing flat. The next day I went out to start it and nothing, not even a hiccup. Before I start doing stuff I probably shouldn't I thought I'd come begging again.
Do these carbs flood easily and do they eat plugs ? Are newer Bings more efficient and should I carry a plug and plug wrench with me ? Remember guy's, I'm 67 and just want to have a good time. There're no shows or races in it's future or mine. Are there any reversible upgrades for the Electrics or the Carb ?
Many Thanks,