• Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

WTF paid $4.44 per Gal. $90 to fill my Explorer tank


Pro Class
Where the hell did this come from?? (Euros dont comment...)

4.43 9/10 no less than $4.44 per gal in San Diego and more at some gas stations.
The gas I put in my tank was probably "made" a friggan year ago.
Shortage of CA specific refined gas. Costco was selling premium at regular prices when they ran out of regular.

What can you say, CA is special and can only burn special gas.....not that bad old Nevada gas, or Oregon, or god forbid ARIZONA.....

$4.72 reg.
$4.79 diesel

Mammoth Lakes, CA
I filled up in Missoula MT a few weeks ago for $3.46 per gallon. The prices kept rising on the way home to about $4.25 which is about normal here. More price fixing than anything i have ever seen.
Yeah, I filled Big Red on Sunday for 4.19 a gallon, then this morning, same station for the Ranger, 4.65!:eek:
wish it was only $90 for me to fill. I just went and filled one of my boats and our ford expedition. Pump auto stopped at $125. then i had to rerun the card through a second time....
jsut seen a buddy post that a few of the stations have jumped regular up to 3.89 from the 3.50ish mark lol its the weekend!!! wooooooo
Sometimes capitalism is not all it is cracked up to be ...

All we can do is vote ...sorry, but you ain't gonna vote out big oil anytime soon ... probably not in our lifetime at least ... and probably not till the earth is sucked dry of this black gold...
Say boo bye to economy. Think of the poor and or fixed income retiree people that live in the sticks because they don't have a choice and have to drive a ton of miles with no options for transit!
Try living in Canada.....largest oil fields in the world ... we pay right now 1.34 per liter . That is 5.36 per US gallon if my math is correct!
Here in Ca. we can thank our CARB for the mix, Summer/Winter blends, it's BS just like you can ride track inside a OHV area with red sticker bike,but heaven forbid you ride outside that fence line during red sticker no-go season. :banghead: Make sense? NO, NO, NO! Gas jumped .70C a gallon in 5 days. Seems like right after Romney made Obama look like the idiot that he is in the debate gas went boom!!!
Say boo bye to economy. Think of the poor and or fixed income retiree people that live in the sticks because they don't have a choice and have to drive a ton of miles with no options for transit!

The poor are always hit the hardest by any monetary swings ... Always have been and always will be apparently ... The stock market swings are ESP brutal to fixed income retirees ... If you gotta have $ and the market is on its downside... You just got 'f..ked and it's nothing more than just bad timing for you .. Except for the one thing we count on to save us and point us down the correct path ... voting ... It just does not always work out ... I prepare for the worst case scenarios in life ... The good scenarios can take care of themselves ..

It seems (to me) that our society is currently governed \ throttled by the price at the gas pumps ... Any profits a person might have at the end of his day are siphoned off at the pump ... This pump price is run up and down like a flag on a pole and used to stretch the economy (our daily life as we know it ) to its limits, taking money directly out of our pockets each day at the pump, and then the price is backed off before its weight will crush the economy ...

Its just too bad there is no real competition for fuel ... No competition leaves nothing to drive a cost of a commodity or service downward ...




Here's a better chart of more recent activities... Shows oil at ~$40 per barrel for yrs ... After the turn of the century you can see it started raising and has not really stopped ... In my little pea brain, I couldn't understand how the states could absorb this increase but apparently we had the wealth to hand over till the collapse in 2008 ... Now ... we are struggling to get balanced again and we've all lost plenty in this deal and not just materiel assets ...

Here in Ca. we can thank our CARB for the mix, Summer/Winter blends, it's BS just like you can ride track inside a OHV area with red sticker bike,but heaven forbid you ride outside that fence line during red sticker no-go season. :banghead: Make sense? NO, NO, NO! Gas jumped .70C a gallon in 5 days. Seems like right after Romney made Obama look like the idiot that he is in the debate gas went boom!!!

I've got or had a brother-in-law who works in the refineries in LA ... He explained out once how all the blending was BS and very expensive to do and should be cut out ... He also said the refineries he worked at have just been patched up repeatedly for yrs and many are ready to blow the top off ..

There's always a reason for gas prices to rise .. This has been a constant my entire life so I'm a little burnt-out on the excuses or reasons or what ever you wanna call it that drives prices up ... I've grown to accept all this crap as it is out of our hands really ... The money moguls of the world have the helm ... so be it ..
Where the hell did this come from?? (Euros dont comment...)


I will not answer your question here but I just checked the liter price in Holland and that would be equivalent to $9.44 a gallon

in Cambodia the petrol price is about stable for the last 2 months and its floating about $5.16 a gallon
