I'm starting this season at close to 16,000 miles on mine. I still feel the same: no other bike I've enjoyed as much, but no other bike I've trusted less. That's not entirely fair, though, because overall the bike hasn't let me down in any significant way. It's just the niggling things that have, at times, diminished confidence. Overall I've had a good run of it w/ the 630:
- Two blown left hand radiators- kind of pricey. The OEM's just can't be trusted. This is now a known issue.
- Leaking fuel pump mount. Known issue, now, with no great confidence inspiring fix. Pain to get sealed up but it's held. Still, it's always on my mind and constantly checking it.
- Leaking clutch master cylinder- also a now known issue. I did the rebuild kit and it's held up fine.
- A frayed wiring harness where it enters the VR. Little more than an annoyance, and a bit of a pain to fix, but it did strand me...and it's now an on-going point of concern.
- Cracked engine casing from the RH oil screen tip coming loose and being hammered through the bottom of the casing. That was VERY expensive/time consuming.
- A short somewhere in the tail I still haven't found (and have yet tried hard enough to find, to be honest)- so the right turn signal, in back, doesn't work. I really need to work on that- the thing hasn't been inspected in two years because of that.

- Vent pipe from valve cover gasket to airbox shrunk- had to replace. Easy/no big deal.
Also did the clutch hub fix, of course, but I see that as part of the deal w/ these bikes...just has to be done. I pulled it about a thousand miles ago to inspect and the Indy Unlimited washers are holding up pretty well. I think they're certainly diminishing, but by no more than a third.
I'm sure there are other things I've forgotten, but clearly they'd be minor. And again in all fairness to the bike I've not been easy on it. It's done a lot of tarmac, and each time I ride it I ride it pretty enthusiastically- not abusively but I sure do get into it. Fun, fun bike.