630 with JD, stalling, poor low speed running

Discussion in '610/630' started by bushwa, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. bushwa Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    Honda Hawk Gt
    Had a quick look at the rest of the wiring last night. Nothing obvious out of place. Power up resistor still resisting, replaced main fuse, cleaned connections at TPS and ECU. Since fixing the melted mess of stator/power wires near the rectifier, it does start better with no back fire or popping yet, and it hasn't threatened to stall again. At the recommendation of another friend, I may invest in some dyno time to play with the CO settings. I can check WOT and dial in the upper numbers, and also get some a/f data at steady cruise where it feels like it's not running smoothly. Or, I may just ride it. 2000km trip coming up, leaving Thursday. It does run really well under load Scooter, if it's accelerating at all, or high speed cruising like you mention, it's fine.
  2. Sooter Husqvarna
    B Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    SMS 630
    Ok you should be fine then. Hopefully she performs well on your road trip.
  3. bushwa Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    Honda Hawk Gt
    Going to get it on a dyno when I get back. Check my CO settings for proper A/F and power output, and get some A/F ratio data under the part throttle cruise conditions where I have the concerns.
  4. pilsner Husqvarna
    B Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2011 TE630
    Did you ever get this sorted? I just picked up a TE630 with similar mods/jd tuner and having the same issues at lower rpms.
  5. julienl Husqvarna
    A Class

    paris france
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    501 FE 2015 My NEW
    Other Motorcycles:
    XT 500 1980/630 SMS 2011(sold out)
    [quote = "pilsner, post: 616838, member: 64593"] Avez-vous déjà eu ce tri? Je viens de prendre un TE630 avec des mods similaires / accordeur jd et ayant les mêmes problèmes à des rpms inférieur. [/ Citation]

    before i had the same problem, today without Jd and with ebat settings ( recommanded Dynobob), it's Really better !!!