Dude! Show your whole bike. From the little parts you show, the street oem version looks much better to me than the Touratech Shriner paint job model (no offense to anyone.) It would be impractical to own one in the states for 99% of the people, but I'd like to see what the biggest chunk of $3B BMW development looks like. When BMW is diverted from their R dinosaurs and their K bricks, they can develop good machines they will later destroy because almost anything they do will threaten their R and K easy money tour bikes. But then again, I will never own a 100+ hp bike again. 650cc with a midrange cam is too much of a hoot for me. I for one would prefer a Strada TR650 to a Nuda 900 for many reasons, but I like to look all the same and see hot-dogs riding them like they were developed to ride. I would think they should eat all the 1K cc bricks up on any race track course except maybe(?) a single donut track. My personal theory is bricks are just too profitable (no major changes in many decades) so the big easy money of any top 6 oem motorcycle manufacturer will shun away from developing any bike that would beat bricks (which are good pragmatic bikes but a farst of a real (good handling) motorcycle). LOL, BMW must have thought the same exact thing too. ymmv
Sweet! But your new face looks like one of those horror movie puppets and will keep me up at night now.