1. 2 Stroke Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Italy - About 1989 to 2014
    WR = 2st Enduro & CR = 2st Cross

All 2st A sad sight at my nearest KTM/Husky dealer

Discussion in '2 Stroke' started by jsleeper, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. ohmygewd Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Melbourne, Australia
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    13'Berg FE350, 96'WR360, 01 WR250
    Other Motorcycles:
    Aprilia RSV1000
    Don't forget to mimic the KTM side stand as well.
  2. fran...k. Husqvarna
    AA Class

    eastern ct
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    420ae 98wr125 2004wr250 others
    Other Motorcycles:
    electric freeride 1993 yam gts
    My idea of the sad sight is going into a dealership where the owner had achieved AA status riding Husqvarna in the past and now has a scooter on display which is of the Peoples brand made in Tiawan and has discontinued carrying Husqvarna. I am not talking hole in the wall size dealership.

    The top riders seem to switch from brand to brand what is wrong with the customer doing it? How may years did ktm come with tapered handlebars before Husky followed suit?
  3. Phoenix Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Oklahoma City, OK
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2009 TXC 450
    Other Motorcycles:
    2 Ducs, 14 GG 200, 13 Husa 300
    Hey, at least you have a Husky dealer!!!
  4. HuskyWR300 Husqvarna

    Brisbne, QLD
    before i bought my husky wr300, i was looking at a ktm 300exc from the dealer. I already knew a bit about the ktm's i mean they are everywhere. When try to make a deal on a 2011 ktm because the 2012's arnt far away i thought well if he wants to get rid of the 11's show me a good deal... PPPFFFTT didnt want a bar of it he told me everything i already knew saw me only as a young hoon (21yrs old) and said i'll become a better rider on that bike or it will make me look like an advanced rider at that point i told him i was also thinking a husky wr300. So now you think he lay on something good to keep me in the shop but nop he said if u arnt buying the bike im not cutting a deal, 1 you never gave a deal for me to think about, 2 you suck at trying to sell me a bike and 3 why are you bashing husky so much?

    His reply was because they break and they get ppl trading for ktms... your unlucky if your foot pegs snap c'mon cant win me over by saying how bad husky appreantly is...? I then went to husky where straight up honesty told him how it was what ktm said and bam i got honesty back and he cut a deal including skid/pipe guard and radiator guards with a lower price to begin with and huskys bike feel lighter bit taller and when i read huskys 300's go harder then the ktm 300's i smile and cant wait to line one up on the trail. ktms are not better by anymeans
  5. fletchman45 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    park rapids
    Got YA! Good for you. I do believe there are good KTM and bad KTM dealers out there just like anything else. I know that 300 Husky motor rocks doesn't it! All the magizines complain about the kick start lever being funky. I have been kicking on that funky kickstart lever for years and years and it DOES NOT feel funky to me!!! (Not recently because I'm on a smallbore) Stick with Husky. The BMW thing I now think is good! I got a Husky newspaper in the mail for the first time in my life and it looks like things are getting better. And with the lower Husky price a guy can afford to do a few things that he would do to any bike! ood luck with your new scoot! And may I say good choice !