Just washed the bike. Everything still tight and new looking. I am not nice to this bike, I thrashed it, both rides, cuz it begged me to. And it loves it. Motor never misses a beat. starts quick, idles good, never get hot, no complaints. Not uber exciting and no high speed power wheelies but very competent, easy to use and forgiving. The soft stall free power and relatively slow delivery means crazy traction where there is none. I went up crazy slick and steep long climbs with step ups and off cambers yesterday with a bald tire. So fun. That and being so low and confidence inspiring it just works. Even log crossings are easy just need to remember to cross it like you want to loop out and you'll be fine. Lots of throttle and fan the clutch hard. Flat slick bottom of bike gets over easy and bike is low so using your feet is effortless. You guys are probably thinking I'm crazy but I dare you to ride it and not say the same thing. Dare ya. Oh I did think of some cons to try and counterbalance all my gushing I did get the rear brake to fade. I did not loose it but it did not want to slow the bike well for a little bit at the end of a long down hill. I am hard on brakes and have boiled them before on several bikes. These did not feel liked they bolid more like the pads had no friction when hot, still had feel just no power. Also the grips started rotating. Fixed them on the trail.
New pads should be easy enough. My sportbikes would get that wooden feel too. My last ride i lost the rear brake on my te, not a good feeling on the side of a mountain lol. Losing a little feel, not as bad
Oh, my buddies said I was hauling ass on it and honestly it was easy to catch or leave them. Was in its element for sure. Adams WR250 felt huge after jumping off the AJP. But the AJP does not feel cramped when riding it. I think it feels very nice. A lot of it has to do with the slim smooth layout. Way easy to manhandle. BTW it handles very 2 stroke like. Does not have a top heavy feel at all and does not feel nose heavy either. Real neutral and flat and stable. 2 easy 2 ride
I have always liked it but man I tell you it was so sweet to hit that button and take off. Its quick to so you can lead more.
i no its not an issue but that muffler looks huge looks like its stickin way out there what was that one of yours you ha on there that looked GOOD could tweak that a little do you hafta send that one to the next dealer
The muffler is a good design, light and mounts out of the way. No guards or covers needed for any of the exhaust. Is quiet and works good. Might look big in pix but is not. A big part of that is the "sidecover" is tiny. This bike is much better looking and makes more sense in person.
Awesome Kelly. I think, by your description, might be the "perfect" bike for a lot of rides like myself who are in that casual-serious trail rider category. The guy who wants an easy bike to ride that doesn't wear you out, but still can perform in difficult terrain, not just camp trails. A bike that you take to the poker run "hard course" or an enduro and ride confidently without wearing you out. I think many of us are in that solid B rider area who don't get to ride as much as we'd like who want a bike that can tackle nasty terrain and make life easy. Sounds like the AJP can fill a void that has been somewhat ignored by the big manufacturers for a long time. Kelly, would you say the bike delivers power more like the XR250 or, for lack of a better comparison, the CRF250x? In other words, is it more slow reving and bottom end oriented, like the XR250 or more like the modern 250x? Love your reviews so far!
Linear power that builds medium speed. Good lugging. Nice little hit up top then signs off somewhat early. It has a lot of heart and willingness its just not fast. A CFR250X is faster and revs a lot quicker. The semi weak motor is part of the charm and teaches momentum.