The seat looks good on the bike, and no one would know it's not stock. The Dzus fastener is tight and makes some "puckering" but not too bad and might go away as it breaks in. The Seat Concepts seat feels MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE just sitting on it in the garage- maybe a bit taller (1/4 inch?) but not too noticeable. It really spreads out the pressure on my backside instead of concentrating it on my tailbone (i'm 5'10" 200lb). I often ride 5+ hours/150+ miles on this bike, so I know what the stocker feels like, and this is gonna be a MAJOR improvement. I will report back after a big ride on Sunday, but I believe this is an ideal solution: 1) inexpensive at $159. 2) NO downtime- 2 hours start to finish for me.
Great looking seat. Any one know if the 06 seat pan is the same as the 08 & up on the smaller bikes. TE510 for example ?
Maybe you could ask a member with a newer 510 to take a good pic of the bottom of their seat pan and compare it to yours- you can tell by that- that's what I did!
Okay, here's the report as promised- WOW, what a difference- I love it!!! I've learned that seats are a VERY personal piece of equipment when it comes to likes and dislikes, so I'll just give the facts for me: 1) The extra firmness and width disperse the load on my butt across a much bigger area, and I don't get the "point loading" pain that I did before. 2) I'm going about 3 times as far/long before I start standing/wiggling around from butt pain/privates falling asleep. 3) It's only a tiny bit taller than stock, but because of the width it splays your legs out a bit and makes it harder to touch the ground, so it FEELS about an inch taller ( I'm short and couldn't really touch the ground before, so no biggie!). Summary: I go for long dual sport rides (150-200 miles), usually 70/30, and this is the first time I haven't thought about my ass on this bike. It might be a TINY BIT wide for serious trail riding, but for DS it's spot on- nice and grippy, too. Hope this helps!
Had my new seat covered over the weekend, and took it this morning for the first ride. It feels very nice - now it feels like an adventure bike as opposed to a mx bike - exactly what I wanted. Almost fell over at the robot though due to increased height. Now I just shift way forward when I want to put my foot down (yes I'm kind of short: 1.76m) Battled to get the fastner in - hope it will settle after a while. All in all - very happy!
I received the Seat Concepts seat for my 2008 TE510 several months ago, but because of some health and bike problems I did not get a chance to try it until recently. I had to worked a hole through the cover with my knife, put on a plastic washer and install the fastener in the seat. It takes some force to get the fastener to catch, but this will probably get easier with time. It is hard to determine exactly how much taller the new seat feels, as I had my suspension redone by LT racing and I had him lower it an inch. The bike feels shorter now, so I am guessing the seat is around 3/8" taller (or seems taller because it is wider) I try to ride as little pavement as possible, what I have found is that the Seat Concepts seat is far more comfortable on the pavement than my stock seat was. I have since sold my long-range dual sport bike and will be doing all my trips on the Husky from now on. The seat was a factor in that decision. My only complaint so far with the seat is that it is so (grippy) I feel like I constantly having to readjust when sitting, I am sure I will get used to this after a couple more rides. It is probably a far better alternative that sliding around when you don't want to. I think time will prove that my Seat Concepts seat will be very beneficial in allowing me to enjoy dual sport riding more by making those pavement stretches more comfortable. Ken
Hey Joliet! Hope to see you on a future SDAR ride. The seat will get less grippy with time. We have this material on our personal bikes also and after a few rides the material losses some of its tackiness and is perfect! Bundy
Just installed the Seat Concepts on my SM 610 and did a 335 mile ride. What a difference! Looks good too, more OEM looking than some of the other (more expensive, Renazco, Mayer...) seats. And on my bike, the dzus fastener isn't any tighter to lock than with the stock. Worth every penny!
I finally got around to installing my SeatConcepts foam and cover. I spent a little time on it last week and over the weekend. No long distance yet, but I can tell this will be wonderful!
Seat installed! I created my own thread, since I threw some other stuff in there w/it. The seat is NIIIICE!