Kinda but the bike has way more ability than you might think. I pick it over my other bikes to ride now. It is so freaking easy to ride and I'm as fast or faster on it than anything I own in the woods. I will be racing it a few times this year and expect to do well on it.
Water cooled 250. EFI, 6 speed, E-start. Has some of the best stock suspension I have ever used. Handles great and is very easy on the pilot. Will be a great long distance race bike like for the 2 day Idaho ISDE I plan to race it at. Dont feel I will be at a disadvantage at all, quite the opposite. No excuses needed or made.
Things are in the works and will make it very affordable. Bike runs so sweet with it. Smooth and great spread of power.
The AJP PR5 continues to impress me. The Doma pipe give it crazy good low end. We climbed some triple black diamond stuff yesterday. I was the only one to make it up a really gnarly hill. Super steep, littered with babyhead rocks, long and very little traction. here is some other gnar we did... Could not make this one without fear of lopping and causing a lot of damage...
yes it is a triple black diamond trail for jeeps. It was semi gnarly before but they added a bunch of those rocks and traffic beariors to make it more fun Now its more obvious why a trials tire works well here huh?
I want to go up there with a beat bike I don't care about and try and rail it up that. I tried to get Blake to race me up it but was not having any of that. It beat us both pretty good the first time.
Listed at 37.4 but the bike is narrow and softly suspended and feels low. Makes other bikes feel huge to me now. A joy in the trees.
...and coming. Although I really like the motor a lot as is for tighter woods. Very easy to use, very hard to stall and willing to do whatever you ask.