Thank you both for your ongoing dedication to this site. It would have been a disaster to lose this fantastic source of information. Let's hope it all goes through. If you need donations just let me know.
Thank you very much ladies. I just clicked on my thumbnail for cafe husky on my phone just to see what would happen, and to my surprise it popped up. I can’t even tell you the feeling I have right now. I’m pretty giddy actually. I’ve been out of the riding loop for a little while now after having my wrist rebuilt and life getting in the way. I finally made the decision to leave California and bought a place in Wyoming on 5 acres. The back 2.5 acres has been a work in progress for a track that the boys and I have been transforming. On top of that, there are riding areas all around me within minutes of my front door. Again, thank you very much as everyone knows that this site is an invaluable asset for anyone that rides a Husqvarna that is pre ktm. David Shelby
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t it go down a time or two in the last couple years? Might have been a funding thing then, but it seems like it was after Coffee had been out of it. Dirtdame and Woodschick, appreciate all your hard work for this Cafe. I’d like to donate when that info comes about.
Hi to all This is such a relief to have recovered the site. A huge amount of effort no doubt. I was a new member and unbeknown to me I had joined at the point where the rug was just about to be pulled from under everybody’s feet. I had just got into reading up on several issues and then the site closed. A massive thank you to everyone, I am very glad to be a new member. Best regards, Nick.
Glad to see Cafe Husky is back. During last years Covid self quarantine, I spent a lot of time reading thru the old posts. Great stuff. I learned a lot as well as picked up a few tips for my Italian Husky. Thank You to everyone involved.
My Bad dream is over. At first i thought i imagined the whole thing, but no it actually happened. Thank you both for taking the helm.
Hello Woodschick and Dirtdame, I see people are still asking if you need donations, but I haven’t seen an answer. Can we contribute to keep the site up?
Is there any way the Cafe PayPal account can be set up to send an invoice or use the Pay With Credit Card feature for anyone who doesn't have a PayPal account? I think this would generate much more donation revenue. I'm not saying it's easy or perhaps this has been discussed, but as a non PayPal guy myself I would love to be able to chip in and this way would make it painless. Ty (as in ZipTy) wants to make sure we have a way to chip in sponsors again too, but that's another discussion. Here's an example: With the whole COVID thing all of the race entries are online Pre-Entry only for the most part now. Out here we use MotoTally quite a bit and when you get all your class and other info confirmed - you get the payment page where there's an option for PayPal account or CC. Pay with card, boom you're done. Plus it's set up so the PayPal fee gets paid by the entrant. A receipt is automatically generated and sent to confirm payment. I'm sure there's a fair amount of work to set something like this up, but if we could make it happen the Cafe can continue on.
This site is a wealth of information. To all, please donate like I did. I'm sure it couldn't hurt....
Thank you for being proactive on this! Unfortunately I am a moron when it comes to this stuff. DirtDame is the brains of this outfit, and I don't know if she could do it that way or not. I'll ask her!
The problem is that this requires that I have full "super administration" permissions on the admin site to implement these sort of features....but I do not.
Wasn't aware that the site was down, came back to check in on some old posts and glad everything was in place! Good to hear!