Help, have to buy a road bike...

Discussion in 'General (Main)' started by michiganguy, May 13, 2015.

  1. Huskynoobee CH Sponsor ZipTy Racing

    Castaic, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2011 TE449 2006 WR250
    Other Motorcycles:
    HDUltra Classic IT200 YZ250 SV650s
    My bagger handles pretty good. The old girl has a little less rake than a Vrod though. I agree those are only good for making stright runs and slow turns. Went for a tour with my Dad riding his Tiger a few years back. He couldn't shake me in the twisties, but um, well straight aways were a whole different story.:rolleyes:

    Coffee has an excellent point. Assuming you have your MC license already, have you taken a rider safety course? If not perhaps see if she wants to join you. These classes are fun, informative, and can lower your insurance. Then you can have a potentially whole different discussion with her.
    michiganguy and Coffee like this.
  2. michiganguy Husqvarna
    A Class

    Norther, Michigan
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2013 TE449
    Thanks everyone for all the great advice!:thumbsup: Gives me a lot more to think about than I had anticipated. My wife in no way wants to ride alone she has made that clear, but for some reason loves being the passenger. I already have my cycle endorsement so, I guess to go any further I will just start test driving a few bikes. There will be pictures of what ever I end up with. Thanks again for all the responses, it is much appreciated!! Stay safe all.
    Coffee likes this.