I know Magile posted the contents, but here's a link too: http://www.heroesridehuskys.com/pages/terms.html
I was in touch with them prior to this announcement,, if I make it down there it will be hard not to bring one home...
Yes, Hall's does in fact have the WR in stock. I was just in there this past Thursday and I looked at it sitting on the showroom floor. Just thought I would let anyone know.......
stimulis now if calilfornia could get the carb certification approved, dealers could sell plateable 09's.. as it stand's now in calif, only TC, TXC and WR 09 can be sold, and leftover 08 if there are any available
I thought George told me you can't even get a OHV sticker for a WR or TXC because they aren't carb certified yet.
please A bummer for guys who stepped up and already bought a 09 bike, Maybe husky can help them with some husky bucks??