do you think being upside down all the time has made them crazy or is it genetic you know Australia started out as a penal colony what the hell are those other little boats they race around the man made road course with the freakin V8s in'em
It's a combination of all the above. The convict element, the being upside-down, also being in isolation to the rest of the world might be a factor Troy, those 'boats' they race on the racing circuits & street courses are V8 Supercars. Not really my cup of tea (I like Rallying) but they sure can slam down a lap time!! They're pretty handy at turning both left AND right which is something I find important my kinds of motorsport.
no it was a boat on water in a trench winding around in the bottom of a gravel pit one at a time against the clock little tiny boat big V8 CRAZY FAST
just think how good she'd be if she smoked weed and listened to rap music View:
Ah, the jet-boats! Yeah, in-freakin'-sane. I think it might have been our near relatives the New Zealanders that came up with that. The first time I watched them I noticed they had rollbars. WTF I mused, then one crashed into the carpark!!! I'll stick to bikes and cars in think
Thats about the most stupid thing I ever saw. If they could get them to scream then I'd be interested in watching them. I argee Troy....trim issues
I thought it would be bad karma to post the crash video, I'm sure there were some screams on that one! There is a video on YouTube where a guy on one of these hits almost 100mph. They have cameras on board with the dude. Looks frickn scary!