that is impressive - the camera point of view really shows the action well ... I am not willing to dish out that level of bravery
This powerboat can reach 2 G of lateral acceleration, like a go-kart! Some more info about the boats here.
We decided to build our second snow bike on a platform that we've come to know, respect, and love: a 2013 KTM 500 EX-C. Next, Bryce Kendrick and Josh Kennedy from Turbo Performance in West Haven, Utah stepped in and installed their turbo kit. Turbo Performance claims 100+ hp on most 450 four stroke bikes as baseline or more, depending on the model and setup.
You guys don't have any snow there in the Desert. You better send it my way so I can do some proper testing here in the High Rockies.
We have snow, lots of it. Zipty is located at 4200 feet at the base of Bigbear/Arrowhead and Mt. Baldy.
hi zipty. could you check your email please as i tried calling you and i couldnt get thru. im follow up my order for the breathers. thats been over 2 to 3 months. and not one email back to me. and remember theyve been paid for. please get back me