That seems to be the case with all of the older jap street bikes. Theyve all started coming out of the woodwork and into craigslist.
Hannah Hodges crushes. She is part of the "new guard" of young women MXer's. She'll be a big deal very soon.
Here's a "goofy" crash and the reason that Courtney Duncan didn't win Loretta Lynn's this year.... #99 to her left is Kirsten Raemisch, our local fast chick and third overall at Loretta's. Note Hannah Hodges #12 running her mini against the big bikes ....
This is kinda cool. Yamaha FZ-09 triple. 414 pounds, 115hp, $7900. Triples are cool in my book. Dunno why they just are.
I worked at a BMW/Triumph dealer for a few years. By far my favorite was the Speed Triple. So much so that I turned my Bandit 1200 into a "Speed-Bandit" I also had a triple for a while.. 1975 GT550
I had that exact same bike but mine was Blue. Was unimpressive motor wise. Was designed to be 4 stroke like not a screeching 2 stroke like thew RD400 and Kawai were. I was disappointed and sold it.
Awesome. We had a local guy go for a dip also but he went down with the ship View: And then there is this guy View:
Craigslist ad for each bike reads: Dirt bike for sale,never raced, just washed, sat all winter might need carb cleaned, will trade for husqvarna, or cash and part trade on new GoPro 3 hero, cell not working ( it got wet) please e-mail me. Oh and I can mock as I have first hand experience, three wheelers really don't float. No matter what your buddies tell ya!