I've been talking with Ryan, and I got a present in the mail today, one of the first AU-made sprockets. My fingers are crossed...
Cool! I prefer to experiment with a product that some people have reservations about than to destroy a gearbox. The lack of a cush drive strikes me as a design flaw in what is otherwise the perfect dual-purpose bike. Where can I order these?
They are just the chinese sprockets with a new poly, he put the site back up HERE He's supposedly got a new design in the works too.
was just checking up on progress of the new sprockets and came across this; prayers sent. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=406232549584023&id=337451129795499
Ryan passed away on June 26th. His father is unsure if the production of Kush Sprockets is going to continue. Certainly no time soon, if ever.
Sad to hear, he seemed like a nice guy from the short phone call I had with him. I reckon the product concept is great too and they were progressively getting better.