BamBam is good for the sport - a little bit old school in his attitude and RV was funny talking about how BamBam's boldness would be accepted (or not) by the usual suspects. I wish Tomac was moving up - he's ready and I would not be surprised if his style (very technical for speed with lesser risk) and charactor make him a 450 champion before long. I liked the joker lane and tallevegas turn but could do without the split start and the pyro. If I had one wish it would be for a 2 stroke national at the event
i was kinda wondering they said the guys had their choice of what they wanted to ride, is that under current production? if not why not anyone on big bore 2 strokes?
Someone, somewhere else asked and here was a reply....don't take it personal or anything but it sounds about right from some related stuff I've heard about chassis flex etc. Apparently the word (official PR) was you could run a 125 or 250 but the unspoken word was you could run what you brung.,20/Monster-En-Cup-max-2-stroke-is-250cc,1225315 I know this won't do a thing for your ignorant close minded bullshit... No one would race a 300cc two stroke...because they would get slaughtered just like a a 400-500cc 2 stroke would. Why because they are undeveloped. Service Honda's are great bikes for normal riders,, but the frame flex that was designed around a four stroke engine being in there..makes it unridable at that level. Chris Blose tried riding one at Mammoth and it was all over the place.. When factories are making motor mounts 1mm thinner and riders are noticing a difference, putting in a 2-stroke engine in replace of the the engine it came with, which by itself is designed as an integral piece of the frame is moronic. So at the very least you are stuck with boring out a 250cc that is 6 years old in design... or a ktm. To what? 280? ....why the fuck would any pro who is doing this for a living decide to do that? Remember MOST of the R&D budget is in NEW FRAME/CHASSIS design. It the trickiest, and hardest thing to get right.
lol hell im a 4stroke guy.....i know my 09 txc is far from a factory mx bike and its been a few years but man id have to say my buddys old 500 kaw would eat my txc in everything but maybe top end without much of a sweat. thats just from what i remember riding the thing, ive never seen a side by side comparisson, he sold it long before i got the 450.
I've been waiting to check this thread until I watched the race (didn't want the spoiler, and thanks for putting that in title btw). I've watched 1 main each night, and finished up tonight. It would of been fun to see someone take the MIL, but I'm happy there were 3 different winners. It kept it interesting until the last minute. Pumped to Chad Reed back on the bike. Super happy for Barcia (I love the way he races). Can't wait to see Canard. Could care less about James Stewart. Dissapointed KDub didn't race (didn't have a chance anyways IMO). And onto RV..... He got knocked down a couple of points in my book. It seems like (and I could be wrong) after he wrecked, he knew he wasn't going to win the MIL, so he was a poor sport and dropped out. Whether that was the case or not, I don't know, but thats how it came across on TV to me. Can't wait to see the lineup this year. Only reason I get the sports package is for the Speed Channel (don't care for stick and ball sports), and that time of year is coming !!
man this is my opionion too but i think rv2 is kind of a dick. i told this before but anyway at supercross a cpl years back( the riders are walking right past you in the pits) me and my son are walkin around and here comes dungey hey thats cool. no one bothered him or mobbed him for anything. a cpl more come by and i know villapickle will be comming any minute so i wanted to hang out there so the kid could see his guy. here he comes annnnnd walks right past the lil dude in the kawi jersey without even lookin at him. like wtf man. as i said there wasnt a bunch of people mobbin them for autos or anything like that. we werent trying to get one either but being 2 ft away i think i would have noticed a lil kid with my brand on. and said hey bud or gave a little wave or whatnot. it is what it is, i know they are at work when they are there but got to cater to the ones that but the tix just a little bit.
I see your point. It doesn't take much. Even we Coasties were posing for pics with beach goers during the BP Oil Spill. There's work to do, but "sometimes you gotta step outside the moment". (I think Johny Campbell said this). OK, I'm laughing a bit (true story and not related...though sort of). Last year I took the kid and his buddies to Pala for Nationals. We stopped at the Starbucks on Pechanga Pkwy in Temecula before we headed down. While there the kid and his buddies started freaking out like teenage girls. Turns out standing over by the counter waiting on their drinks were Christian Criag and Nick Paluzzi. The boys were like, "Oh my God-Oh my God " I said, "go get an autograph and be done with it." All four boys turned to me and said (at the same time), "Ya right, that's like stalking!!!" Then all four of them started tweeting both racers (whom they followed in Twitter) about how they're at the same Starbucks. Craig and Paluzzi are nice kids and would've signed autographs for them, but no, the boys Tweeted both racers instead while standing a mere eight feet away.
Fully understand your feeling but I defend the guy, he races, puts on a race face, hours, days, weeks before an event, a death defying event. Full focus full concentration, it aint even a "team" sport (it is kind of), it is all up to him in the race to finish first, not get severely injured and last the season. Some guys are in that outside zone even around fans, some have the relaxed demeanor and that works for them. Villopoto is a one direction focused winner, he is an Eddie Lawson type A racer, a little of that win or lose, no room for 2nd..
I totally agree. This makes him come off as a dick sometimes but he is laser focused. That and he gets bombarded 24/7 by fans and kids and after a while I'm sure you just gloss over. Also some people are just more jovial and EZ going, some are so focused they don't see the rest and some are just dicks. RV used to be a little more open and now that he is on top he seems more professional and focused and less into fan fair and more into the job. Take it for what it is. Dungy is a shinny example of a true professional and what a good hearted person can bring to the sport.
"Villopoto is a one direction focused winner, he is an Eddie Lawson type A racer" Wow, great reference!
The 450 class needs riders .. period. Eli would be a good addition ... Anyone can help the 450 class as it stood last year ... ------------------ A 2T race would be great for the fans and maybe even the sport overall but having 1 of the top 3 (?) promoters advertising the machines that the top 4T manufacturing companies just killed off ... may not be a good idea from a business viewpoint ...
dick might have been a lil strong, he didnt shove my kid out of the way or anything and im sure he was goin over things in his head to tell the mechanic or whatever i just thought it came across kinda off. hell maybe the husky shirt i had on intimidated him, who knows
Just imagine you got to stand in the tunnel with the Baltimore Ravens and your kid was next to Ray Lewis..... After the race is the best time I'd guess....if they're not getting an IV
Dungy is a d-bag. Seriously, I don't like that guy at all and I don't see why anyone does. He's the American Idol winner of MX/SX. There's nothing wrong with music from American Idol winners but I like music from people who made it their own way. Dungy didn't come through the ranks, he didn't race Lorettas, we didn't see his rivalries as a youngster like Alessi/Villapoto had and many others. Just one day RC said "sign this B class guy, he's good" and now he's there. I'm sure the sponsors love that he has All-American good looks. Doesn't appeal to me. I'll take a red-headed troll looking fella any day. And Yes, like American Idol winners, he does have talent. BUT he doesn't have that one thing that RV, RC, Barcia, Bubba, and even CR have or had. He doesn't have that edge. No one here has ever seen Dungy put a sick pass on someone because it doesn't happen. Fine, whatever, he wins. But he's like CR was when Bubba and Ricky were duking it out. He's just sitting there waiting for the fastest guys to wreck out so he can get a W. He's not the fastest racer of his time, not even close. What really pisses me off is he embarrassed our country at MXON. Barcia rode circles around him and that shouldn't happen as RD was clearly supposed to be our top guy.
got to say dungey is definatly one of the least douchebaggish riders out there but hey we all have opinions
I don't really care where he came from ... RD5 can win without showing his a$$ before, during, and after the race ... He's 1 of 2 rookies to ever win the title in sx ... Yep he ain't the fastest ... There can be only one RV2 at any single point in time ... I'm not sure but his new 450 bike might suck as it stands at the end of this race ...Just looking at what speed he was showing all yr long sx, mx, mxdn, ... DeCoaster is gonna earn his pay this off-season ... It appears that there are numerous 250 guys who can step up to the 450 ... ~Every time a 250 guy rides the 450 ... The show just got better ... So why aint't he a 450 full timer? Move'em out of that 250 class and open up some slot there for younger riders to move into ...
Haha, do you think MX/SX is a fashion show? Who cares if he has good looks or not. That has nothing to do with racing. I've seen him put a few sick passes down. Just because he doesn't take someone out, doesn't mean it's not a good pass. And him waiting for someone in front of him to wreck out is a smart move IMO. He is a smart racer, not a crazy, throw it all on the line type. Apparently his riding style is paying off!