Hi Kelly, do you have an opinion as how the old Tracula rear would compare to the Enduro S/T or even the I/T ? Reason I ask is that I have a NOS Tracula in the shop and have had my eye on the S/T for awhile now but just wanted to know since you've ridden them, what's your opinion?
Hi Kelly, do you have an opinion as how the old Tracula rear would compare to the Enduro S/T or even the I/T ? Reason I ask is that I have a NOS Tracula in the shop and have had my eye on the S/T for awhile now but just wanted to know since you've ridden them, what's your opinion? BTW: the S/T front absolutely ROCKS on my 610 in every situation except really dry hardpack!
the ST is a much better mud/roots/loam tire, digs in better. The tracula is a better intermediate tire and last a little longer. The ST is a very good tire and even though is a mud tires crosses over well to intermediate.
How much are the tyres ? Is shipping a few sets a viable option? It seems they are cheaper in Canada than here in Oz where the company is from I suppose they are shipped from Thailand It seems wierd that I could get tyres cheaper from you guys when they have been form asia to america and back again to OZ.
My typical discounted prices are about $55 front and $65 rear depending on size and model. usually within 5-10 bucks of that.