I'd appreciate it if you could call and ask them. Here is a LINK to the OHV stuff, or perhaps someone at BMP knows?
October is just a really hard month for me to get away. At most it would be a 1200 mile overnight trip with maybe some riding thrown in for a couple of hours.
Thanks for the feedback Wallybean.....I get tired just driving to see the grandkids in Lewiston, ID....and its a fair stretch to Montana from there.
Well because of our staff the best days are oct.-24-27th ,but you guys are the reason everyone gathers and we will do our best to support the dates you all choose.billf & BRYON
You cant predict the weather so pick a date and have at it. 24th-27th sounds best for everyone and the good guys at BMP can make it. Nail it down and call it good. Never going to please everyone.
I don't care when it is, just need to know...I'm in... I expect I'll have room to haul bikes from the Salem area if anybody needs.
While the tide is currently favoring the later October date, I think we can afford to let the decision wait a few more days. And I would hate to miss Woodschick, too.
As far as I am concerned, that seals the dates. Oct 24th to Oct 27th should be the dates. I'm going to try to ride the 650 up there. Probably going up the coastal route. It could be that a trip could be grouped for those trailering bikes up.
Sounds good, I will go edit the guide if you change the title Coffee. Link to a revised unofficial guide to the unofficial gathering.
Sounds great. I changed the title to avoid any confusion, and edited/deleted a lot of posts discussing the 'which date to pick topic' - so this thread will be far easier to read. Hopefully no one is offended.