epic story, fit a lowjacker and leave it on the street till some one decides to take it then the last laugh will be on them
already tried that minus the lojack. It was returned the next day with 2 flat tires and a hospital receipt taped to the seat.
2009 TE450???? Mine has never broke anyones bones or tore any ligaments but I'll tell you, I sometimes wish mine just ended up buried in a creek bed never to be found.
An update to this story. I bumped into my buddy yesterday who is the current owner of this bike. Turns out he had insurance on the bike as he had intended to make it a commuter. The insurance company had him take it to a shop for an estimate an apparently the estimate was more than the bike is worth. Big surprise. So now the bike sits in limbo as my friend decides whether to send it to the junk yard or try and part it out.
Very good read! Is the water pump impeller salvageable? I'll take it! Damn, I thought my 09 was cursed when the oil pump impeller fell off and burned the top end. Luck had it was still under warranty, sold it as soon as I got it back and the guy I sold to got thrown off and layed up for a month. Only no loaner stories. He still rides it with no drama thus far.
What a story! Haven't finished the all posts yet...... Rather than cursed, Iwould say it reads like the bike has gone from one Dumb and Dumber cast member to the next continuously while it still was operational. :-)
Sounds like James Dean the actors Porsche? The parts from the car were cursed. Now the rest of his car has disappeared? That's weird?
Holy crap...... I got a funny story I'll post later. OK this is why I pay for full coverage insurance. Even 5000 in medical. And under no circumstances borrow my bike out! I only trade off with someone I know can pay the damage! I would call most of this stuff rider error and poor mechanic skills. Darn rednecks.lol.jk
Just updated my original post with THE FINAL CHAPTER. I wanted it to all be in one place for historical purposes. Exorcisms, possessed vehicles and the like. Re read post #1 to hear the ending.
They will probably clear the lot and a "Dollar General store" will go in next to Family Dollar store".
Here's a couple of pics of the Husky's final resting place. If you missed the whole story go back to post #1. In pics 1 and 3 you can see the old harley that was in there. At the base of the pine tree you can just make out the oval air cleaner and maroon gas tank.
Remember the movie "Christine" one of the cars they smashed, repaired and smashed up never stopped running. That's weird. I have a '55 cj5 jeep. It's a bare frame with a hood and snowplow. She sits all summer and starts up every fall, plows snow all winter only to sleep all summer. I've had her for 25 years now. My point is she never stops running. She's as faithful as the family dog. I went looking for a snowblower and found this jeep for $400. She's been around for so long she's like family. I named her Christine. I never say anything bad about her just incase. I hope no one salvaged those parts.
Full moon nights?? I pumped gas as a kid on the 3 to 11pm shift. On full moon nights all the nut cases are out weirdos too. I hated working with the public on full moon nights. In the wilds the animals are on the move during the full moon. Even the fish bite better. Catch a full moon with an overcast cloudy day with a light warm rain and go fishing. One-time I was standing on the shoreline tossing a inline spinner and caught 19 bass back to back in one spot fan casting. My personal best of 10lb bass was caught at 5am on a full moon night. I wouldn't go near that bike on a full moon night.
Superstitious? Not me, for my Lord and Saviour shall keep me safe. I'm not going to worry about owning a little bit of history. Very strange though. That bike had a rough life but it has touched many.