I mentioned it prior to sending my WR seat down, he said the discount only applies to kits, not custom stuff. They may be great people, but they sure need a better way to ID seats to customers when they receive them. I called down once my seat had arrived down there, the guy was definitely on the rude side.
Like Kelly said "Everyone has a bad day" but I've had a couple of dealing with them and found them really friendly and helpful.
Took a nice drive down to San Jacinto, CA today and visited with Seat Concepts. Everyone was exceptionally nice and easy to work with, especially Lendon. They have shelves and shelves full of all kinds of seats and of all different sizes. SC will be building a 1.5" taller seat for me since I am 6'6"/265lbs. I will post pictures when I pickup. Added some pics and went out for a 40 mile ride. Pictures don't show true thickness, but the seat is 1.5-2" thicker than stock. Felt like sitting on the couch watching tv, all I needed was a beer.
I'm interested in a more comfortable seat. Feel free to cantact me regarding it. 858-335-3995 Jeremy.
I believe if you want additional information about a Seat concepts seat cover you could click on the Seat Concepts banner at the top and you will be taken to their site Or just click on this link: http://seatconcepts.com
I had a local upholstery shop install my Seat Concepts saddle as I have no stapler and no skills . After a 2 day ride in the Kootenay mountains of BC, I'm very happy with it. No sore butt from sitting and no interference when standing. In fact, I barely noticed it at all, which is high praise. For sure would notice the stocker after 2 long days of riding!
Hi guys, will SC ship to Australia. Thinking of getting one to dress bike up and would like a bit more comfort.
Merry xmas to me! my wife actually went online found the seat and ordered it for the correct bike TE511 I was shocked man is that thing nice. wont know how it rides its 21deg right now. I will tell you this that thing has griiiip i swung my leg over like normal and almost put the bike down when it grabbed my azz felt great sitting on it.
My wife and I put seat concepts replacements on both the TE511 and TE310. They are both very comfortable and appear to be high quality. Much better than the Honda seats we came off..... Motosportz, I think prioritizing comfort is an acquired skill gained over the years living without $, learning to now focus on what is really important - a comfortable BUTT ! In my humble opinion, nothing wrong with getting old as long as you respect and learn from what experiences teach you! RR
I told Ty that I was going to design a new seat for the 511 for SC to make for me. Ty told me "You know, these seats weren't actually made for sitting on.." I simply replied "put ten inches of titanium in your back, then come talk to me about sitting on the 511.."
+1 on the seat for 511TE. Had mine for a few weeks, and got a couple of hours in last Saturday. It was SO much better. Did the install myself, their seat foam fit perfect, and cover was a snug and easy fit.
Got one coming for my TR650. Bet it rules just like my other three. Never had the want or need for a aftermarket seat and now I have 4 and LOVE them. Funny. Seat Concepts seats rule.
Got mine! I just had to go get a stapler for it. I'm real proud of myself for leaving Harbor Freight with only the thing I came in for. Last weekend was too busy, but I hope to get it fitted and try it out this week! Just sqeezing the foam with my fingers, I swear I heard my ass say " Ahhh that's nice, thank you"