A northwest Oregon loop, a bit of river, a bit of coast, a bit of canyon. Elk were out in full force in Jewell. Was 45 by the end of the ride, ended up plugging in the gloves. Strada is great for these sorts of jaunts.
I had a good ride this afternoon, south of Johnson City, TN, by taking Red Fork Falls Rd from TN Hwy 107. Continued on up Unaka Mt Rd to the overlook, and then on to Beauty Spot, and followed Beauty Spot Gap Rd. to TN Hwy 395. It's about 12 miles of minimally maintained gravel road that goes up near 5000 ft elevation (up 3400 from where I started). There's still some snow left over from Hurricane Sandy. I've ridden parts of this previously on my WeeStrom, but it's a little too rough for the Suzuki. On the lighter, leaner Terra, it was all fun.
wisht he weather was such here i was slamming out miles on mine too but rain rain rain. Oh well, no dust on the trails :>)
Nice! As Kelly points out, we are drowning here in the great northwet. Makes my bike being in the shop a bit more tolerable.
Today's weather was great! Though some of the roads were still wet from Saturday's rain, a fun ride in Malibu Rode one of my favorite roads there (to get to my favorite lunch destination at Howdy's to have the greatest seafood soup!!!) - Tuna Canyon: A One Way, downhill, very tight with many blind, off-camber turns with the cliffs on one side and the mountain in the other.
Please read this: http://www.cafehusky.com/threads/txc-vs-wr.28496/#post-256037 and this: http://www.cafehusky.com/threads/rules.1/ Sorry I had to edit your post. Cafe Husky is not a typical internet site. For the record, the person you quoted was making a joke. It may not seem funny to you or you may not understand it - but it was a joke. The only problem with jokes like that on the internet is that they can easily be mis-understood...
Not quite into the high country of the Jemez Mtns (NM), you can see some evidence of last year's forest fire. Just west of Cochiti Lake, NM. Getting ready to take Dome Rd up into the Jemez Mtns. My BMWer buddy the little Husky a lot! (pics are out of order)
Ramona Schwarz of Touratech on Madagascar. Such pictures usually signal their range of accessories for the bike pictured to be out soon .
Well, I can't compete with Ramona Schwarz (at least not until I get my skid plate...) but I did take my new Terra to the cemetery at the end of my street at sunset It's the closest thing to dirt riding I can find in Oakland. It's a very old cemetery and some of the roads out on the outskirts are extremely rough and potholed and gravelly. I'm trying to beat my suspension into submission so I can get more than 3/8" sag out of it Anyway, I wanted to get some photos of the bike before I thrash it and this is what I got before the sun dipped below the Pacific... Even the grave marker statues are excited about my new Terra! After the sun dropped I headed to the outer edges... I'm pretty pleased with the stock Terra lighting...
First ride in five weeks on the Strada. 75 miles from Bill's Husky to home the mostly scenic way. Weather was interesting, had a short downpour of rain just out of Salem, then sun and blue skies, then a near whiteout over Bald Peak. About 20 miles of gravel. It's that time of year when the more poorly maintained gravel roads have a layer of fine slippery mud in places. It pays to be smooth. Here's a shot on Holly Hill Road. After a few minutes of white out at the top, the sky opened up to this... I had slush on my jacket where the snow had collected... Thank goodness for a heated liner! Rolled past 1500 mi on the bike near the end of the ride.
Had a dry day today, hit the Strada for 230 miles. Loop out to the coast and back. Light traffic, decent weather, bike running really well.
Time for a trip up to Four Peaks Wilderness area, 50 miles outside of Phoenix. Those 4 peaks in the distance, is the destination. 18 miles one way. Unload and go...... Ride starts at lower desert elevation, amongst the Saguaro Cacti, here is midway up, no more Saguaro. Where I came from Where I'm headed, yes that is snow on the peak. I'm wishing I brought along my heated Gerbings!! Destination reached. Windy, cold and I'm liking it. Back down to the desert...