AXC round 9 (River Front Grand Prix) - Last race of the year. Got 3rd but was enough to win the Masters class this year. First race on the FX350 - still need to dial-in a few things. But it has more power than my 2015 FE350.
You better take the Italian back to Bill's, 'cause your front brake needs some work. Is that a Ken Maley shoe? Haven't seen one in a long time.
Front brake needs to be present to need work haha! Shoe was made by one of my sponsors, RC Racing Components.
2017 AMA West ISDE 2 day Qualifier Series , 28-29JAN Gorman, CA (Hungry Valley SVRA) Day 2 Test 2, Day 1 on the gas and Day 2
I did it in years past and do to support the event and for the feel of a 2 day enduro gp. Its really not my fave place its waaaaay too open and fast for me. But with the rains it was much more enjoyable than when its a dust bowl. And look we had rain all week then sunny skies for the 2 day event.
Gorman is open, but it has nice little gems of single track stuff. The only thing is all the good stuff is way too far from the track to be reasonable for an event. But thanks to the clubs running races in Quail Canyon, they have cut miles of fun stuff in there.
I was at this race, unfortunately someone on a KX slammed me after one of those rock sections I went down & out came the shoulder. Popped it back in & finished the lap & rode one more but I was hurtin to bad after that to finish... Heres me @ a GP race up at gotham MX in NY. Was their first race not sure if they ever posted results but it was all in good fun. IMG_4147 by hakkalugi22, on Flickr
It is a score card. There was a clerical error on mine but hand calculating looks like I got 4th in class. One of the guys I trail ride with was running time keeping so I could watch what he was doing which was super helpful in trying to learn this stuff.
Haven't done this race since 2015. Think I got a 1st in local and 8th National NHHA. The old girl still is faster than me.
whats that green stuff? I fought a fire there in 1980 (?) and I don't remember anything green around there.... you sure that's Gorman?
Tri County first of the ECEA series this season. 0O1A9172 by hakkalugi22, on Flickr 0O1A9234 by hakkalugi22, on Flickr Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 6.21.36 PM by hakkalugi22, on Flickr