Press release - Sales up 9% for husky in 09

Discussion in 'Newsroom' started by Motosportz, Jan 14, 2010.

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  1. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    I hope this is a temporary good by. :)

    I'm tired of all the bashing and emotion as well, there may be less of that in the future.

    The future is always difficult to predict. I may try to get to Ohio this summer, I'll assume that is ok. :thumbsup:
  2. rajobigguy Administrator

    I'm very sorry to hear that you won't be around. It had been our hope that you would be able to use Cafe Husky as something of a conduit between Corp. and the general public and have a place where information could flow freely in both directions. Our primary goal here was to offer a friendly site for all Husqvarna enthusiasts and you're presence here added alot to the connection we feel with our favorite brand. I understand you're position and I'm sorry that we didn't afford you a more favorable playing field. It seems that some people will never be happy unless the world caters to their specific needs. I think that you have done a great job in steering the Huqvarna brand through some very treacherous waters. While the transition from one owner to another was not completely seemless it did happen with only a few hicups and is now on an even keel. I think that the fact that Husky has continued to grow in a fragile economy is a testament to the brands strengths and managements commitment to keep the marque moving forward.:thumbsup:
  3. Dirty Bikes Husqvarna
    A Class

    forum [ˈfɔːrəm]
    n pl -rums, -ra [-rə]
    1. a meeting or assembly for the open discussion of subjects of public interest
    2. a medium for open discussion, such as a magazine
    3. a public meeting place for open discussion
    4. a court; tribunal
    5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in South Africa) a pressure group of leaders or representatives, esp Black leaders or representatives
    6. (Historical Terms) (in ancient Italy) an open space, usually rectangular in shape, serving as a city's marketplace and centre of public business
    [from Latin: public place; related to Latin foris outside]

    Sometimes people have postive opinions on a subject and sometimes people have negative opinions. If the goal of a forum is to only allow the positive opinions then it is no longer a forum.

    I may not agree with everything Mike Kay has posted, but at least it is well written and has points that are backed up with facts. Mike does not post "Husky sucks!!!". He is basically stating his opinion on a press release from Husky NA. How come few ppl seemed to have an issue with ppl bashing Mike about unfounded accusations regarding the Baja in this same forum? I would bet that thread has lead to Mike's current negative view of Husky NA. But should he not be allowed to post his opinion on a subject as long as it is not breaking forum rules? If there is a rule that states "No negative comments regarding Husky NA in any way" then I guess he broke the rules.
  4. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    Dean (Coffee) is one of the best moderator and now owners I have seen in the internet. Fair and allows enough to make things interesting. He OWNS this forum and can moderate any way he feels. Even with sponsors and other income from this site i highly doubt he is in it for the money. It is a massive effort and it is HIS so we have to play by his rules, just like on TT or any other forum. Many have flocked here (including me) because of Dean and his even handedness. I'm sure he will make the right and many times, tough decision. I'm sure this will be handled with the professionalism it has always been handled.
  5. Dirty Bikes Husqvarna
    A Class

    Of course...but at the end of the day it is a forum.
  6. Huskys4Life Husqvarna
    B Class

    Hemlock, Michigan
    I am sorry that you had to come to this decision and I hope you reconsider. Having you here as an active member is a great asset not only to Husky but also to us as consumers. Makes us beleive in some small way we have a voice in the brand we all love.

    With any gathering of the public you are going to get differing opionions. I remember an old saying"Opinions are like ___holes Everyone has one". Ones you like and ones you do not. With online forums you need a thick skin. Typed words can be taken many ways. Do not let a few sour grapes ruin the whole barrel of wine.
  7. HUSQVNA Husqvarna
    AA Class

    No more than anyone else, I'm sorry to see Scott leave the forum. What a shame. I'm sure there's more to it being in the position he's in at Husky than he probably cares to go into detail here, but I support this site, and will continue to do so for the positive, and negative feedback I get from the many folks who frequent the site. Bashing's out in my book, no room or call for it, but if there's something that can be improved upon, I'd like to believe there isn't any reason why we can't continue to discuss things in a civil manner. Deans done a fantastic job of filtering through the numb nuts in my opinion, and would hope people would continue to keep it respectful if they disagree, but feel comfortable in doing so if they so choose. My 2 cents.
  8. Huskys4Life Husqvarna
    B Class

    Hemlock, Michigan
    You have a point but this is not an open public forum. An open public forum is one owned by the people. As Kelly has stated below, Coffee owns and maintains this forum. It is his and he ultimately decides the rules with which we play by.

  9. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    Of which there is a wide spectrum of.
  10. Dirty Bikes Husqvarna
    A Class

    I get this...but it is still a forum.

    If there is a rule that states that there shall be no negative opinions expressed towards Husky then so be it. I don't think CH will last very long as most ppl will just see it as a propaganda machine that only promotes the positive side of Husky but filters the negatives.

    I totally understand that someone trolling or trying to start a flame war by posting BS about Husky is not tolerated. But no negative discussions? Yikes.

    IMO CH needs more Mike Kays
  11. ScottyR Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Mitchell, ON
    I dont see anything that Mike Kay wrote being untrue or false from my side of the desk. I think people should lay off him.
  12. Huskys4Life Husqvarna
    B Class

    Hemlock, Michigan
    Having positive or negative opinions on a subject is not the problem here. No one is talking about censoring out any negative opinion on Husky or any other subject. Having an open discussion about a subject , both sides interjecting there opinion in a civil manner is what these online forums should be about.

    When you have a members interject only negativity, sarcasm and isults on every subject, then you get to the root of the problem. And yes this would be called flaming. Not just a particular subject but on all subjects.

    If anyone has a difering opinion on something , by all means state it.
    But leave off the sarcasm and backhanded insults. Remember the words you type are being interpreted many different ways.

    Take this conversation for example. Both of us stating our differing views on the subject yet neither one of us relying on sacasm or offhanded comments to get our point across.
  13. Dirty Bikes Husqvarna
    A Class

    Pffft whatever dude.

  14. AndrewS Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2015 FE350s 2013 TE310R
    Other Motorcycles:
    2009 TE250 (sold)
    Sorry for this aside from the current discussion, but I'm just curious as to what the press release actually means... When they say that sales were up 9%, are they referring to sales in dollars, or number of motorcycles sold?
  15. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    I like Mike too but I think Coffee is trying to avoid the huge blowout, burn all bridges issues that happened in the past with Mike and Honda when he switched to huskys. Him posting about Sherco every time there is a rumor about something BMW/Husky is doing is starting to look like the beginning of his fallout with Honda/Baja and TT when that went down and got real ugly resulting on him being banned. He was honest and IMHO right about the Honda cheating in Baja but it was they way it went down that upset people and made it a pissing match. Mike is obviously a great guy, likes the brand and has done a lot to promote the brand. This all took a wrong turn when a positive post about husky succeeding was regulated to a buy a Sherco, huskys are on the wrong path discussion. Husky just won some motorcycle manufacturer of the year award too. It's been hard for this brand to succeed, changed hands a few times, was left for dead and now looks like it might be on a successful path and when positive things are posted here come some negative comments. I don't see anything wrong with keeping positive posts positive and respecting those that got us there. Hell this brand could have died an nasty death if it was not for BMW.

    As for no negative posts thats ridiculous. Many here have posted some real negative or unhappy posts and those have been fine. I posted my extreme displeasure in the 09 WR125 powervalve fiasco and many of us were allowed to vent there. It happens a lot. I think the gist of Coffee's direction is negative comments are fine but lets keep them real and in context. Random bashing does nothing good for anyone as do personal attacks. What it does do is push people like Scot out which sucks and does no one on this forum good and now we are without that line of insight.

    I had belonged to a forum recently that has no restrictions. The politics and name calling there are outrageous and makes the site worth nothing to me. I don't participate there any longer. The three forums I do attend regularly all promote no attitude but allow lively honest discussion as long as people don't make it personal or get out of hand. AudioKarma is one such site and their thing is "all audio, no attitude" It works well there and thats what is trying to be done here i believe. They allow lively discussions but when if comes to bashing and name calling it gets shut down. Several other sites do not moderate this way and about every 3rd discussion turns into name calling and no useful information. I really like that style of moderation here and on the TT husky forum when Coffee was in charge. Very level handed and keeps the site informational. That's why I choose to spend my money here. I think the amazing growth and quality of member speaks loudly to the good job Dean has done. My feelings and no ass kissing because I don't even know Dean other than meeting him once several years ago. I pay to be here just like the next guy.

    I personally did not have any issues with what Mike posted or has posted but do see where it is going and how it might not be the direction those in charge might want to go. That it pushed Scot out is indication that it did in fact offend some.

    My opinions on the subject, nothing else.
  16. Huskys4Life Husqvarna
    B Class

    Hemlock, Michigan
    I know you are but what am I:D
  17. Huskys4Life Husqvarna
    B Class

    Hemlock, Michigan
    9% increase in sales of motorcycles(units sold)
  18. AndrewS Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2015 FE350s 2013 TE310R
    Other Motorcycles:
    2009 TE250 (sold)
    Okay. Thank you!
  19. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    I've got no idea why you keep piling on these types of topics.
    1. Yes it is a forum
    2. Yes I run it
    3. People posted, their posts were not touched.
    4. Clearly by now you must realize that people can say non-positive things
    5. That does not mean people need to constantly spin things in the most negative way, that includes your ongoing nit picking regarding the way I run this site
    6. I reserve the right to encourage people to post in a positive way - if that is ok with you
    7. You also run a forum, and you should know by now that 1/2% (or less) of the people posting seem to post things just to stir things up - that would include stating the importers of the bikes "screwed things up" in a thread regarding positive news. Other manufacturers are shrinking Husqvarna is growing. Not just this press release, they really are. Doing those types of things are not High Class which is what I am trying to make this forum to be
    8. If we could somehow keep this forum upbeat and positive, most of the time, good people will stay and participate, otherwise they won't, and I want those good people to have a place to talk as opposed to all the other forums. That includes that people from Husqvarna - if they read the forums they may be able to take the input and improve the bikes, which would help the riders.
    9. Berating Husqvarna, is not the way to encourage them to view this forum, as we have seen

    I get messages all the time thanking me for keeping this forum a nice place to visit. I also today received several requests to tolerate less of these types of things in the future. And some of those people wanted this thread closed.

    I am closing this. If you cannot tell by now, I really don't like doing that.
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