The install. This part was WAY easier than the APT. First off the Tron is slightly undersized diameter wise front and back. Makes it EZ to get in there. Clamps need to go a little further but not so much things bind. I have no shock right now so cant verify that fitment. The cable guide and securing method, unlike the APT was simple, ingenious and tool free. The cable guide on this carb is to big and does not hold the cable right thought. I "fixed" this with a couple wraps of gorilla duct tape (insert hillbilly comment here). Fits nice now. The parts The super simple and effective cable hold, spring holds it in Installed
So how did it work? Well considering I don't have a shock and there is a chunk of wood in there where the shock used to be a test ride is out of the question. But, again, unlike the APT, it fired right up, cable stayed in place, idled nice right away. It might sound like I am knocking the APT but it was a PITA to install and setup for me for my bike. The cable issues etc. Maybe it was just me that evening I don't know but this one fell on and fired up like it belonged there. Throttle response feels great. Bike lit off 3rd kick and was off the choke in about 30 seconds. Quick idle adjustment, which is smooth and responsive, and it sat there and idled as long as you like nice and even. Blipping the throttle it is snappy. Sounds good. So far so good. Can hardly wait for Friday, revalved shock and Lectron. Woohoo. It was still cold and every 125 I have owned needs a couple of miles to clean out but as is was running quite nice.
Well it installed and started and takes throttle. Hope it pulls hard too. The suspense is killing me.
You rotate the metering rod in 1/4 turn increments. And adjusts bottom to mid. To adjust top end you turn the knob at the top of the carb the bowl tube feeds. There are also different metering rods, leaner and richer. The clear bowl is a hit. Hope it is strong. I ride off road and chit gets jammed in there at times.
A standard lever style choke from a VM Mikuni should go right on if the choke knob is in the wrong place.
Now that is funny! Appreciate all of the testing and reports in seriousness! I have a new 36 APT waiting to go on a new 13 TE300 Berg! Can't wait.
I think the venturi shape will ultimately give the APT the nod, but will it make up for the price gap?!!! The powerjet, like the old dial-a-jet systems, are a great setup! They do eliminate water accumulation, offer easy adjustment, offer an extremely atomized mixture that is very uniform, and as a bonus you can see the exact fuel service level at a glance! Thanks for all the testing for us ride-it-and-adapt stiffs.