Scotts Stainless Oil Filter

Discussion in 'TR650' started by fastkx125, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Mike-AK Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2012 TE 310
  2. Mike-AK Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2012 TE 310
    Question regarding the TE/TXC 250-310 X-Lite engines. It looks to me that the filter is in the circuit for the oil going to the head, but what about the crank?
  3. Tinken Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Hesperia, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    MY12 WR511
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    Amsoil does not make oil filters. Hastings makes oil filters for Amsoil, which are fiber, they are 20 micron and not absolute. They also flow seven times less oil than their stainless counterparts. I wonder if the flow restriction or the random particle collection will wear out your 650 faster?

    Anyway, I believe the filter you are looking for the Amsoil eaom109

    The Scotts Stainless is the 2151 I believe.
  4. Baddrapp Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Yucca Valley
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Timken do you have a stainless filter for the TR?
  5. Tinken Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Hesperia, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    MY12 WR511
    Other Motorcycles:
    I don't stock them, but I can get one for you. I'll call tomorrow.
  6. Mike-AK Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2012 TE 310

    From the drawing in the parts manual, it appears oil leaves the pump, flows into the filter housing, through the filter, and out the external hose up to the head to feed the head. I imagine from there it drains back down into the sump. Is the pump feeding the crank directly from the sump, and the only source of filtered oil for the crank is that which has passed through the head and drained back into the sump? If that is the case, then it would appear the filter type would have no impact on crank lubrication...yes?
  7. Tinken Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Hesperia, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    MY12 WR511
    Other Motorcycles:
    Oil flows from the pump to the oil filter, to the oil filter cap. Most of the oil travels up to the head, some flows back across the engine into the crankshaft.

    See small hole above oil filter in the lower image.

  8. Baddrapp Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Yucca Valley
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Yes Tinken. I will pick it up at your shop with a bottle of coolant.
  9. mag00 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
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    It looks like it will void your warranty as it does not meet OEM standards. At least I did not find it on their site. BMW is pretty fussy about it.

    BMW dealer strongly advises against them.

    It's your bike, use what makes you happy, but do it fully informed.

    35 micron is not good.

    5 micron is good.

    Sorry this did not format like the web page

    Technical Service Bulletin 89-5
    The Micron Rating for Media in Fluid Filters
    A micron rating for a fluid filter is a generalized way of indicating the ability of the filter's media to remove contaminants by the size of particles it is exposed to. The micron rating does not properly or fully describe either the efficiency or the contaminant-holding capacity of the filter media. ENGINE AIR FILTER MEDIA IS NOT RATED BY MICRON SIZE. (Refer to TSB 04-3, Air Filter Life and Efficiency Ratings)
    What does the word micron mean? The word micron is another term for micrometer (1 millionth of a meter). A micrometer is a unit of linear measure in the metric system used to measure distance from one point to another. It is used like the inch, foot, centimeter and millimeter to measure length, width or diameter of objects. Its scientific notation is μ. Some linear equivalents are 1 inch is 25,400 microns and 1 micron is .000039 inches. Some comparative sizes from largest to smallest are:
    Diameter of average human hair 70 microns Lower limit of visibility (naked eye) 40 microns White blood cells 25 microns Talcum powder 10 microns
    Red blood cells 8 microns Bacteria 2 microns Carbon black 0.6 microns Tobacco smoke 0.5 microns
    A filter that is marked or rated "10 micron" has some capability to capture particles as small as 10 micrometers. However, when you see a filter marked "10 micron", you do not know exactly what this means unless you also have a description of the test methods and standards used to determine the filter rating. The results from the different test methods may not be comparable as their methodology varies greatly.
    The two most popular reported media ratings are a nominal micron rating (50%) and an absolute micron rating (98.7%). A nominal rating usually means the filter's media can capture a given percentage of particles of a stated size. For example, a filter might be said to have a nominal rating of 50% for particles 10 micrometers in size or larger. An absolute micron rating can be determined by single-pass or multi-pass testing and is usually obtained by passing a test fluid containing
    Revised October 2012 Page 1 of 3
    particles of a known size through a small, flat sheet of filter media. Any particles that pass through the media are captured and measured. An absolute rating is also expressed in the form of a percentage of the size of particles captured.
    Until recently, there has not been one universally accepted test method to measure or describe the media pore size or the size of particles a filter media can capture and hold. Depending on which test method was used, the same filter media could be rated with different micron ratings, thus leading to confusion regarding how well the filter's media actually performs. Fortunately, there now exists a test procedure called multi-pass testing or Beta ratio testing (β) which is, a universally accepted test method that yields readily comparable test results. Multi-pass testing has been recognized by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) (SAE J1858), ISO (International Organization of Standardization) (ISO 4548-12, lube oil and ISO16889, hydraulic or fuel), ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and NFPA (National Fluid Power Association).
    Multi-pass testing uses a specified contaminant, of known sizes, added regularly in measured quantities to the fluid which is pumped continuously through the filter. Measured samples of fluid are then taken at timed intervals from the upstream and downstream sides of the filter. The contaminant in the samples is measured for particle sizes and quantities of each size or range of sizes. From these upstream and downstream measurements, a Beta ratio is formulated by dividing the number of particles of a particular size in the upstream flow by the number of particles of the same size in the downstream flow.
    For example:
    β stands for Beta X represents the size of particle checked X(c) per ISO 16889
    In this example, the equation provides the following information: regarding 10- micrometer or micron size particles, the filter media tested has a Beta ratio of 2. This information is helpful but not useful without knowing what the ratio actually means. To translate the Beta ratio into meaningful information, subtract 1 from the original ratio and divide that answer by the original ratio. This answer represents the efficiency of the media at the specified particle size. For this example, take the Beta ratio of 2, subtract 1 from it and divide that answer by the original ratio of 2 or 2 - 1 = 1 ÷ 2 = 50% efficient at removing 10-micrometer or micron size particles. This formula is used to translate any Beta ratio into a
    Revised October 2012 Page 2 of 3
    percent efficiency at removing the size of particle tested. Here are a few Beta ratios and their corresponding efficiencies:
    Beta ratio information can also be stated as β 5/10/20 = 2/20/75. In this example, the media tested removed 50% of 5-micrometer or micron size particles, 95% of 10-micrometer or micron size particles and 98.7% of 20-micrometer or micron size particles presented to it. This same ratio information can also be stated as β 2/20/75 = 5/10/20. Both equations state the same information in two different ways and are both accepted by the industry.
    Multi-pass testing provides an accurate, universally accepted, comparable test method to describe the efficiency of a media's ability to remove certain size contaminants. It can also determine the total contaminant holding capacity of the filter as well as some of its differential pressure capabilities. Its use eliminates the inaccuracies and confusion caused by the use of "micron ratings". For further information, see TSB 97-1R2, Hydraulic Filter Performance Criteria and
    TSB 04-2R2, ISO Updates to Multi-pass Liquid Filter Test Procedures.
    For additional information, contact:
    Filter Manufacturers Council P.O. Box 13966 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3966 Phone: 919/406-8817 Fax: 919/406-1306 Administered by Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association
    Revised October 2012 Page 3 of 3
  10. Tinken Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Hesperia, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    MY12 WR511
    Other Motorcycles:
    Mag, you will long wear out your engine from loss of flow before you wear it from debris particles under 35 microns.
  11. Tinken Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Hesperia, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    MY12 WR511
    Other Motorcycles:
    We don't have them in stock, but we can order one.
  12. Baddrapp Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Yucca Valley
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Thank you. How do I go about ordering one please.
  13. Tinken Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Hesperia, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    MY12 WR511
    Other Motorcycles:
    You can either order a 2151 from K&P engineering or we can. K&P and PCRacing oil filters are made in the United States. Most of the other ones like Moose and Maxim are made in China.
  14. Baddrapp Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Yucca Valley
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    I will call in the morning and order one. I will pick it up when it arrives.