This is a good description of how to find it...on my bike it was a screw that has an 8mm hex head but also can be turned by a philips head screwdriver. It also appears to have a spring on it. So if you're having idle problems and see a screw that looks like that go ahead and turn it your bike won't blow up! Oh yeah, I'm about 90% sure when I turned it CCW that lowered the idle speed.
MY dealer also mentioned putting it in "Race mode", or switching it to "B" mode, when installing it? God I am confused here, cant wait to get the bike but missing Carbs lol. Anyone know about this?
It's easier than rejetting! You just order the parts in jtemple's earlier post, then install them. It is a resistor a gasket, and a plug. To install, just open up airbox, remove foam filter, and you will see a restrictor plate. Remove. Then unplug the O2 sensor. Plug resistor where O2 sensor was plugged in. Remove O2 sensor and replace with gasket and plug. Then start the bike, warm it up, and adjust idle. Easy! I left the O2 sensor in for now because I didn't have a big enough wrench. It's bigger than 19mm.
Can someone tell me the size of the bolt for a idle screw? OR a pic/description of the fact. supplied spanner wrench
You can adjust the idle screw with an 8mm open end wrench. Straight from the owner's manual, see attached.
if you are really good with your fingers, you can turn this screw without any tools.. it isn't easy especially when new and turned in for the restricted mode but once turned out (spring tension reduced) fine tuning with your fingers is possible.