The (husky) night before christmas

Discussion in 'General (Main)' started by Joe Chod, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. Vegas Husky Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Las Vegas Nevada
    Joe..that was the second best thing I have read today. The first is that my best friends Steve and Jennette are going to have a baby girl in march. They were handed a envelope from the fellow that did the scan and was told not to open till Christmas. BTW..they both ride Huskys!! I think I see a Husky Boy(girl) 50 in the future!! Merry Christmas all and have a safe and happy new year!
  2. shortyw13 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Merry Christmas you and kara have a nice holiday the walters family
  3. North Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    530 ktm 1200GS
    I hope every-one had a good Christmas.:thumbsup:
  4. oneal Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    1999 wr 250 returned home.
    Other Motorcycles:
    07 TE 450 2005 TE 450 1999 CR 125
    Hey joe that was brilliant it made me chuckle, i hope everyones christmas was a good one
  5. Bagman Husqvarna
    A Class

    Joe, that was really good! Helped make my day merrier. I hope everyone had a good christmas. Time to go riding now!