I've got an old Windows 7 laptop with Windows XP mode (virtual PC). I've installed Ibeat 2.01 (while in Windows 7) but every time i try to start Ibeat (in XP mode) it say's: "Diagnostic Tool has not normaly installed in this PC". Does anyone know the solution?
I've installed ibeat on the Win7 machine and tried to open it in XP mode. Installing in XP mode doesn't work: "windows installer does not permit installation from a remote desktop connection" ibeat doesn't run on Win7 64bit
Got it working now, i had to instal within XP mode but had to save the installation program on the "XP dekstop"
Would this cable work? https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/4001272823134.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.7f696c37WNoWX5 I already have the Vagcom cable for USB connection next.
It looks correct, but this one definitely works: https://www.lonelec.co.uk/Motorbike-OBD-Diagnostic-Cables/component/Husqvarna-6pin-OBD2-Adaptor
Works perfectly for me. To give my feedback and gain you some time and money: _ Lonelec cable: 15 Euros _ Vag KKL 409.1: 5 Euros on aliexpress _Old 32 bits laptop _Win 7 32bits (Arium in my case, light version for old computers). After few tries I have given up with XP which is a pain in the ass to add drivers manually, to add wifi connection, too manual for me... _Iobit Driver booster 8.1 (cracked or paid, none of my business ) => Cause drivers from the VAG KKL/ibeat were not working until I update automatically all my drivers with this software. After that, drivers (VAG KKL cable + Ibeat) have been installed automatically from internet or from this new updated database. Detect in which USB port you connect your VAG (Device manager => USB ports = COM 1,2,3 etc). If COM 3 choosen, launch Ibeat and choose COM3, and exit. Now you are set to connect to the bike by following the first page. have fun !
So I was tinkering around and realised that iBeat is probably coded in Visual Basic, given the interface styling. Disassemabled the .EXE and yup, it is! Even better, its pretty basic. This is all to say that I'm very tempted to attempt a re-write of the software so that it can be run in a 64 bit environment.
May have got a liiiitle ahead of myself. The main hurdle I wanted to overcome was understanding the communication over the COM port - there's a fairly large code block that deals with this but it didn't decompile very well, no hidden gems I'm waiting on a cable to arrive, I may attempt to sniff the data going back and forth to try and decode what's going on, if only just for the basic things (setting the CO values) that most people adjust.
CO, TPS reset and error codes. I just have an old XP laptop in the workshop with iBeat and PDF manuals, but an updated 64 bit compatible version would be great for the future.
Sounds like an interesting project! What did you use to decompile the exe in the first place, or did you know to go straight to VB Decompiler? (I've always wondered how that sort of reverse engineering was done in software land!) What are you using to sniff the COM port? I believe one can sniff USB in wireshark, but haven't ever used it for that, only ethernet stuff. I run iBeat inside an XP VM with VirtualBox, works fine now. Took a lot of dicking around though to get workable and convenient file sharing, bi-di copy paste, proper USB 3.0 passthrough working with XP etc. You know the OS is old in this day and age when it doesn't have native USB 3 drivers
I also recently purchased the Lonelec cable and a blue "VAG KKL 409.1" ODB2 USB cable from Aliexpress. While it is in transit I'm checking the local ads-websites to find a cheap 32-bit laptop or preferably netbook/tablet. If this does not work out, I will probably go the VirtualBox route, but comments like from @SimpleOne make me worry that it will take some frustrating evenings to get it working.
The VirtualBox route isn't impossible, but does take a little time to setup. The major difficulty was finding suitable USB 3.0 drivers (which aren't needed for most iBeat cables) but which I wanted in order to enable me to passthrough other USB devices (namely, external SSD for storage) to the VM and have it work at a speed that didn't make me want to claw my eyes out.
Install win 7 32bit, a good driver update and then no need to add manually the drivers, it will work automatically once the cable is connected
Installed VirtualBox today. Downloaded the windows 8.1 32bit ISO directly from Microsoft and was able to install it with a generic key from the WWW and local account. https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows8ISO Although it now mentions that Windows is "not activated", it is probably no problem for this application. Also Ibeat is installed and running, so now I have to wait for the cables to come in to see if I can get the USB port working...
Finally got my Chinese OBD2 cable in the mail today; - Installed the driver - Started the windows 8.1 32Bit Virtual machine - Forwarded the USB from the host to the guest - Hooked it up to the bike with the Lonelec cable - Set communication to COM3 in Ibeat and.... it's working!!! Yeah!!! I immediately made screenshots of the current condition. Seems like everything on this bike is correct; Engine number and running hours are OK and no failure history. Next I might do the adjustment of the TPS. Currently idle is at 0%/947mV and WOT at 102.4%/4375mV. CO adjustment is 100/100/100%.