THESE ARE NOT FOX FORMA'S Those were crap boots made in china. Had a set, worst boots ever. These are Italian made top quality boots that unfortunately share a name with some really crappy boots. Formaboots -
The Fox Forma (Pro's) Steward model are Italian made. Reputed to be one of the best boot ever made. I have 6 pairs and tend to agree. Very comfy and water resistant.
Good to know. The Fox Formas I had a few years ago were Chinese made and fell apart right away and never were very good. Quite disappointing.
I need new boots and like the way they look. My number one criteria for boots is safety. Would you say they provide as much support as any of the others on the market?
Those boots look great, wish I'd seen this when they still had some. Anyone know where I can find a deal on these? Atomic moto appears to be sold out (duh, it's been like a year...)