If for some reason you ever drown the bike, Yes. (good job by the way on the revised tool pack) Although it's been a very long time since I needed it, I do still carry a spark plug wrench and spare plug. I thing I quit carrying in my tools after 20+yrs packing it, was a spare master link..............guess what happen early this year. My master link broke and threw the chain 10 miles from no where. The good thing is, one of my KTM riding buddies runs the same chain and had a spare. The bad thing, is I took non-stop ribbing for a few weeks about the "Husky" breaking down and holding up the KTM's (I did have that coming) I now have a spare master link again, and small press to get the stubborn thing back on. Rocky Mountain MC carries a couple neat little "Y" combo wrenches from Tusk tools, that save a little weight. I have both the 8-10-12mm socket and 5-6-8 allen..........I use the heck out of them, as those two cover 80+% of what I've needed on my TE http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/productDetail.do?navType=type&priceRange=allPrices&navTitle=Tools/Shop&webTypeId=140&webCatId=22&brandId=294&prodFamilyId=3162 http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/productDetail.do?navType=type&priceRange=allPrices&navTitle=Tools/Shop&webTypeId=140&webCatId=22&brandId=294&prodFamilyId=3161
yes cycling. From Nashbar however I have exchanged the sockets for craftsman product. Works very well and with the Motion pro tire iron and 3/8" drive adapter I'm coverred.
of course...not as cool..when you fill at a gas pump tho'...ha ha..the looks you get!!! ps i got that sick of freezing wet hands when helping dig bikes out of the peat bogs, we rode years ago, that i carried some marigold dishwahing rubber gloves..a good idea..but could only find the xxl in dayglo PINK...took a lot of stick..but had lovely dry/warm hands